Lately, I’ve seemingly got reading goals down: I create an odometer goal for every book I read, with a really easy-peasy goal of 5 pages/day and an autoratchet. I usually read more than five pages a day, progressing through the book way faster than the rate, but the autoratchet ensures I have to read every day. The intent behind all these goals is to allow me to read multiple books at once and not forget about any of them – I read according to my whim and whatever seems fun at the time, but I don’t want to end up with seventeen half-read books lying around waiting for me to be in the mood for them again.
This has worked beautifully, in general. However, I’ve no intention of making myself finish bad books for the sake of finishing them, but this situation never arose before, so I never thought about how to deal with my Beeminder goals for such books.
Which brings us to the book I’m reading at the moment, which I think is dreadful. I’ve given it 100 pages and if anything it’s going downhill: juvenile, silly without being funny, and I’m meant to believe a complete airhead can solve murders by blundering around.
But how can I ditch it? I have a Beeminder goal! I’m trying to decide what’s consistent with my true goals, which are:
- Read for fun, not for stats or goals or to clear my TBR (to be read) shelf.
- Not leave unfinished books lying around half-read with the intent of coming back to them “someday”.
- Don’t ever read when it’s not fun.
Not quite compatible with Beeminder, in general.
- Change the end total to current page + 35 (a week’s worth of reading), read that, archive it
- Set it to archive and read 5 pages a day until it goes away
- Stick with it
- Delete it (only an option for ~1 more day; feels bad because I’d like to keep the record around)
- Something else I will describe in a post
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I think I know what the Beeminder-consistent thing to do would be, but I don’t like that answer (because it doesn’t align with my larger goals around reading).