Sleep less: A Fitbit goal for oversleepers

Hello! I’m glad we can make Fitbit goals that bring in “hours of sleep.” I tend to hit snooze and stay in bed far beyond my 8-9 hours of sleep, just enjoying the softness. So I’d like to change this from a “do more” goal to a “do less” goal. When I convert it to a custom goal and set it to be below the red line, I get a “Respite must be above 0” error. Ideas?


Have you tried changing the Data setting from Time to Numbers? That should make “8:30” into “8.5” and you could make the Do Less be less than 7.5 (or whatever your target amount in bed is) per day.

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The problem is I can’t make a do less goal that takes in time asleep at all, and I can’t turn a do more goal into a do less goal.

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This may be a thing support will have to help with – – which also makes it a valuable bug report, that users can’t do this themselves! Thank you!

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Nicky helped me so thanks to them!

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