I’ve created this AppleScript, which I’ve saved as an application and set to begin running as soon as I log in.
It uses the same formula as TagTime (I believe) for selecting the time between pings (though, it won’t ping at the same time as everyone else the way the other hacks do). It then sends me an email prompting me to respond to the tag. (I have the email it comes from set up as the only VIP email address, and set to push, so I get notified of these emails very shortly after they come in, but not notified of other emails, which I would find distracting, since I prefer to answer my emails only a couple of times per day (week?).)
The email also has a link to a Workflow (here’s the app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/workflow-powerful-automation/id915249334?mt=8 ) that asks me for what I’m doing (the 1-word tag) and constructs and sends an email to Beeminder with my response. (I’m not going to include info about the workflow here, because I think it’s likely that people will prefer to customize their own response to the tag, but let me know if you’d like more details about mine.)
Anyway, here’s the script for the application:
set r to (random number from 0.0 to 1.0) # U[0,1] random variable
set w to (do shell script ("echo '-45*60*l("&(r as string)&")'|bc -l")) as real
delay w # wait for -45*60*log(r) seconds
do shell script "afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Glass.aiff"
say "Ping!!"
set nom to "YOUR NAME" #CHANGEME
set subj to "It's TagTime!"
set body to "Run the TagTime Workflow: MYWORKFLOWLINK" #CHANGEME
tell application "Mail"
set msg to make new outgoing message with properties ¬
{subject:subj, content:body, visible:true}
tell msg
make new to recipient with properties {name:nom, address:addr}
send # actually send the email
end tell
end tell
end repeat