The case for making "Automatically trim safety buffer" a free feature

I’ve long advocated that trimming safety buffer shouldn’t be premium, not least because more frequent nudges should create more awesomeness (as well as more revenue, which we think is strongly correlated).

Looking at my own goals that have more than 30 days of safety buffer, here’s what I found:

  • a weight goal that’s in flat-forever definitely-stay-below-this-weight mode
  • inbox zero goals, which although they might look like they’ve got loads of buffer will be on emergency days more often than not
  • my Anki goal, which the pessimistic projections from @bluetulip’s Anki addon: maintained progress mean that it’s in the red every couple of days
  • a professional development goal, where I aim to spend at least a set amount of money each year on courses, conferences, and learning. It autoratchets to 90 days.
  • a tracking-only ‘goal’ that I could dispense with
  • goals that have real-world end dates, such as a conference or other deadline that’s sufficiently far in the future that the Beeminder goal shouldn’t start to bite yet, but will start to prompt action with the appropriate lead-time

The other 21 Beeminder goals all have less than 30 days safety