My do-less goals report a time-to-derailing just like my do-more goals.
It’s less obvious what it means in this case. My guess is that it means “this is how long it would take you to derail if you had PPR turned on and didn’t enter any data”. Which is fine, but (assuming that’s the case) I’d be able to interpret the number more precisely if I knew what the PPR jumps were exactly. Is that explained somewhere?
I think there’s been some discussion of changing do-less goals to auto-derail if no data is entered, which would give time-to-derail more meaning for those goals.
But that’s all wild future speculation so let me try to give a more pragmatic answer: You’re right that when a do-less goal reports a number of safe days it means “if you reported nothing and accepted the Pessimistic Presumptive Reports (PPRs)”. And that sounds like a valuable bug/confusion report that it’s not clear how to know what those PPRs are! While I ponder that, here’s the answer in the meantime: twice whatever the daily rate is.