It says it won’t play nicely but what does that mean?
Currently, with weekends off if I do the bare minimum on friday then it stil displays as two days safe, and if I did one day more than that it would say three. What if I had auto-capping set to two? Would it explode, trying to make me fail on a day off or would it just mean that I would be in the red on monday, or some other third thing?
(what I actually would prefer is if just put me in the red on monday. I just want to be incapable of actually failing on a weekend.)
At present, I believe it’ll explode, and potentially put your emergency day on the weekend. This is an artefact of the implementation, not a design goal.
I can hear the QS folks quaking, but that’s not a terrible idea if done right, and generalises to being able to regularly schedule non-weekend days off.
Say you wanted to actually do N units per calendar week, but never have an emergency day on the weekend.
For an example of 10 units per calendar week, set IFTTT up so that it:
adds 1.43 units on Saturday and Sunday, being ( N / 7 )
subtracts 0.57 units on each weekday morning, being ( 2 x N / 7 / 5)
Works out neutrally, because (2 x 1.43 – 5 x 0.57 ≈ 0). Add more decimal places if you’re bothered about the epsilon, but there’s usually more noise in the measurement than these shenanigans are going to add.