What should the official demonym for Beeminder users be?

Hive? That seems more like an overall term for all Beeminder users…

I like Beemindists.

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@theospears just thought of Akrasiacs, or Akratics.

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I voted Beekeepers.

How about Beeks for short?

And Beeks as Beeminder’s version of Geeks. :nerd_face:

Buzzybodies kinda sound like Busybodies, but it could work as a reframe meaning you’re meddling with your own Beeminder goals so they’re on track.

Beemindittor and Beeminderator reminds me of Redditor Moderator, so no. :laughing:

For Beeminder goals, how about Beecome as in Beeminder + Outcome?

Beeminder + Mission = Beession or Beemission?

Beeminder + Purpose = Beepurpose?

Some use the term “Repurpose” to give a thing another purpose like repurposing content made for YouTube for TikTok or whatever.

To beepurpose is to give a thing a new purpose that is quantifiable, measurable so you know when you accomplish it?

I don’t know.


Thinking about this more, maybe this is actually one of the best arguments for “beeminders”. The verb is “to beemind” so the person doing the beeminding must be a beeminder.

And that is in fact winning the poll. I’m not sure if it’s worth starting a new poll with all the new candidate names. Some of them are pretty fun, if mostly unrealistic.

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Beekeepers is clearly the best lol. Don’t overthink :eyes: