YBHP and do-less goals with zero rate

(possibly related to Pessimistic Presumption on a Do Less Goal with zero rate )

I have a do less goal with zero rate, and it gets data from an external source, so PPRs are off. Road width is 3. If I ever get more than 3 a day, it should derail. It’s non-cumulative of course.

I tried to prep for YBHP by changing the road width to 0 but I immediately derailed! How can I get this on YBHP?

Does YBHP support goals of this type?

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Thanks so much for helping guineapig this stuff! We’re working on a smoother transition for existing goals. Currently – as you found out the hard way! – switching to YBHP just blows away whatever lane width you have. So you can either wait till you have enough safety buffer that that’s ok or ask support to give you (back) the needed safety buffer.