error with ordering in the date column when page renders first time?

So I wanted to see the website again. Then I noticed the date isn’t ordered correctly at my graph page when I land on it (while it is selected I guess because it’s underlined).

but then I “fixed” it by clicking twice on it (just to test if this actually works, and it worked).

… so: error with ordering in the date column when page renders first time?

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it is sorted by ‘date entered’ (updated) by default :slight_smile: the presence of the arrow by ‘date’ is misleading… i don’t get that arrow until i click on ‘date’ to sort it. does yours appear on first load?

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Hi Chelsea,

when i go here:

I see the dates like this (on first load) (which don’t seem to be in order)

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Looks as though they’re in the order that they were entered, rather than the order of the visible dates. You can confirm this by hovering over the datapoint date to see more detail of how and when the data was entered.

They should probably be sorted by what’s visible, though. Similarly, if you ever hit ‘load all datapoints’, the sort order is completely screwed up.

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confirmed. It is even more confusing than I already thought, after checking a bit more things. Not a bug, just some weird syncing / sql things i guess.

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