How to beemind submitting Complice intentions on weekday mornings? Zapier trigger?

My goal: beemind submitting Complice intentions by 9:30am on weekdays.

The Complice integration lets you beemind submitting intentions at all, but doesn’t offer filters for the time of day.

What I had planned to do: Complice -> Beeminder -> Zapier -> Beeminder

I was planning to:

  1. Use Submitting Intentions at all Complice integration to add a data point to my new intentions goal.
  2. Trigger a Zapier zap when a data point is added to this goal.
  3. Filter on the beeminder datapoint’s timestamp using Zapier filters.
  4. If the filters pass (not Saturday or Sunday, before 9:30am), use Zapier to add a datapoint to a morningintentions beeminder goal.

I don’t think this will work, because Beeminder isn’t available as a Zapier trigger. (There’s a short thread from last year about adding Triggers for Zapier over here, which I commented on, but it seemed worth starting a new thread for this more specific question.)

What I am thinking of doing now: Beeminder -> IFTTT -> Gmail -> Zapier -> Beeminder

Now I think I might:

  1. Use Submitting Intentions at all Complice integration to add a data point to my new intentions goal.
  2. Use Datapoint added to a specific goal IFTTT trigger to send myself an e-mail including the beeminder timestamp.
  3. Use New email matching search Zapier trigger.
  4. Filter on the beeminder datapoint’s timestamp using Zapier filters.
  5. If the filters pass (not Saturday or Sunday, before 9:30am), use Zapier to add a datapoint to a morningintentions beeminder goal.


  • Are there less-hacky ways to use Beeminder as a trigger for Zapier?
  • Should I just be paying more money for beeminder?
    • Is filtering beeminder data points by time submitted one of the Custom Goal features?
    • I know taking weekends off is a Beemium feature
  • Could I use only IFTTT? They don’t seem to have the ability to chain triggers with filters the way Zapier can, but I don’t know as much about the platform.

Are there less-hacky ways to use Beeminder as a trigger for Zapier?

Not that I know of, but I can actually get 80% of the thing I wanted just by setting my deadline time to 10:00am. This doesn’t make it weekday mornings, specifically, but I can probably remember to retroratchet on Sundays. D’oh! I should have thought of the obvious things.

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