My goal: beemind submitting Complice intentions by 9:30am on weekdays.
The Complice integration lets you beemind submitting intentions at all, but doesn’t offer filters for the time of day.
What I had planned to do: Complice -> Beeminder -> Zapier -> Beeminder
I was planning to:
- Use Submitting Intentions at all Complice integration to add a data point to my new intentions goal.
- Trigger a Zapier zap when a data point is added to this goal.
- Filter on the beeminder datapoint’s timestamp using Zapier filters.
- If the filters pass (not Saturday or Sunday, before 9:30am), use Zapier to add a datapoint to a morningintentions beeminder goal.
I don’t think this will work, because Beeminder isn’t available as a Zapier trigger. (There’s a short thread from last year about adding Triggers for Zapier over here, which I commented on, but it seemed worth starting a new thread for this more specific question.)
What I am thinking of doing now: Beeminder -> IFTTT -> Gmail -> Zapier -> Beeminder
Now I think I might:
- Use Submitting Intentions at all Complice integration to add a data point to my new intentions goal.
- Use Datapoint added to a specific goal IFTTT trigger to send myself an e-mail including the beeminder timestamp.
- Use New email matching search Zapier trigger.
- Filter on the beeminder datapoint’s timestamp using Zapier filters.
- If the filters pass (not Saturday or Sunday, before 9:30am), use Zapier to add a datapoint to a morningintentions beeminder goal.
- Are there less-hacky ways to use Beeminder as a trigger for Zapier?
- Should I just be paying more money for beeminder?
- Is filtering beeminder data points by time submitted one of the Custom Goal features?
- I know taking weekends off is a Beemium feature
- Could I use only IFTTT? They don’t seem to have the ability to chain triggers with filters the way Zapier can, but I don’t know as much about the platform.