Todoist to Zapier to Beeminder Question

It sounds like what you’re fundamentally after is whittling down the total size of your backlog of tasks, right? It might be best to beemind that directly with a Whittle Down goal where the metric is just [current size of to-do list]. Would you consider doing this via Trello? If so I have some ideas I’ll point you to. Also our HabitRPG (recently renamed Habitica!) integration includes an option for whittling down the size of your To-Do list. If you’re into Habitica’s delightful nerdery then that’s my first recommendation.

But to answer the question more directly, what about two recipes (or zaps, as Zapier calls them): one sends a +1 to Beeminder when you add a task and the other sends a -1 to the same Beeminder goal when you complete a task.

PS: Todoist also has an IFTTT channel and if you want to do other fancy things with IFTTT triggers you might want to check out our IFTTT macros.

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