Alright I’ll bite. Here’s a quote from a post I made last year:
The types of Premium features seem to fall into one of three categories:
A) Features you could get for free by entering fake data.
B) Features that work around quirks or bugs in the website.
C) Non-technical features.
By A) I mean things like configurable retroratchet, trimming safety buffer, and free short-circuiting. Entering fake data feels like a cardinal sin. Beeminder’s non-premium business model is entirely predicated on the hope that some people care about Quantified Self enough to not lie about their data to avoid derailing. I’m one of those people, but these features being dangled in my face feel like Beeminder is tempting me into cheating. It feels backwards from how it ought to be.
By B) I mean things like changing goal URLs. I have a lot of goals whose URLs I would change because I realized too late that the New Goal page drops all the text after the first space. I’m not going to pay $16/month to correct that. If Take a Break or Retroratchet became Premium (per your July 10 post) I would categorize them here, because they make the Road Dial less clunky. (I would also have never joined Beeminder in the first place had those been premium features at the time, but that’s an aside.)
By C) I mean things like fitness tips or the real-time support. These actually might be a cool deal, but they’re bundled in with all the A) and B) type stuff.