Workflow app (iOS) + Beeminder

I’ve recently started using the Workflow app more regularly with my Beeminder goals, and it’s turning out to be really flexible and to open up all kinds of interesting avenues, so I thought I’d start posting the workflows here over time in case people wanted to grab them.

Rather than create a large list (and because this way I can be lazy and post one every now and again) I’m going to put each workflow in its own post.

Starting… now


Send the same datapoint to 2 different goals (via email).

When you run this workflow (either within Workflow itself or by adding a link to the workflow to your iOS home screen), this template will allow you to enter the datapoint and then the comment, and it will prompt you to send 2 separate emails, one to each goal into which the datapoint needs to be entered.

For example, if you want to regularly enter the same datapoints datapoints into “Project X Hours” as well as into “Work Hours”

To set it up:
Click this link on your iOS device (assuming it has the Workflow app installed)

Change CHANGETOSLUG1 to the slug of the first goal and CHANGETOSLUG2 to the slug of the second goal. (The slug is the last bit of the URL for that particular goal, so it’s the “goalname” part of )

Change CHANGETOUSERNAME to your username.

Send your weight to Beeminder and iOS HealthKit at the same time

When you run this workflow, it will send an email to Beeminder with your weight, and it will add a corresponding datapoint to your iPhone’s HealthKit.

To set it up:
Click this link on your iOS device (assuming it has the Workflow app installed)

Change CHANGETOUSERNAME to your username.

If you have a weight goal that isn’t called “weight”, replace that in the subject of the email (at the bottom of the workflow) with the last word in the URL for your goal.

If your weight is in kg instead of lbs, change that setting in the HealthKit part of the workflow.

Add your Beeminder goals to your iOS home screen

Doing this allows you to have an iOS icon for each Beeminder goal, if you’d like, making entering data really convenient.

Here’s an example of a screen with a few of my Beeminder workflow triggers.

To set it up:
After you have created or copied a workflow, you can click on the workflow and, instead of running it, click on the gear at the top right.

Optional: Click on ‘Icon’ and then ‘Home Screen’ and select a photo from your albums or camera roll to represent your goal on your home screen and click ‘Done’.

Click ‘Add to Home Screen’ and follow the instructions.


+1 Datapoint to Beeminder

This workflow just sends a +1 datapoint to your goal when you run it so that you can keep track of how many times you do something (e.g. a bad habit, a good habit, etc.)

Note that to speed up this workflow, it doesn’t ask for a comment, and it closes the workflow after the email is sent.

To set it up:
Click this link on your iOS device (assuming it has the Workflow app installed)

Change CHANGETOSLUG to the slug of the goal. (The slug is the last bit of the URL for that particular goal, so it’s the “goalname” part of )

Change CHANGETOUSERNAME to your username.