Beeminding Sticking to a Schedule

So it took two months to derail on this, but I’m quite pleased with that! On the whole I’d say the system is a success, but there are definitely things that can be improved. So I’m using this derailment as an opportunity to try v1.1.

I might introduce something to designate some blocks as being more flexible.

This has definitely stood out as the thing that needs changing. If I schedule work from 9-11 and then something gets in my way then I’d like something to encourage me to put those 2 hours in later on the same day rather than that work just being a lost cause. And similarly if I go out for a walk in the morning because it’s bright and sunny then I’d like some credit for that even though I’d scheduled the walk for afternoon.

There are some days where I know in advance that I’ll need that flexibility and I’ve designated those as ‘Flex Blocks’ and credited myself if I was on task for the whole amount of time, just not in the right time slot, and I think that has worked ok but I haven’t always been consistent on how to score those.

I started wondering what would happen if I designated everything as a ‘Flex Block’. Initially I rejected this idea because I’m akratic and would leave it all to the last minute. But then I started wondering and decided that trying it out was the only way to find out for sure.

So I’m keeping the blocks with designated times on my calendar but not scoring them based on keeping to the schedule now. Instead I’m going to try:

Did you do X for:

  • at least the allotted time: 67
  • up to 30 mins less than allotted: 33
  • less time than that: 0 and no further questions

And while you were doing X:

  • didn’t stop: 33
  • reasonably focused: 22
  • wandered off a bit: 11

The part I’m worried about losing is:

scheduling is as much about the white spaces in between the blocks as the blocks themselves

which is why I’m keeping the blocks on my calendar and will be attempting to stick to them as closely as I can manage. I considered some kind of bonus for being close to the times on the calendar but I think trying the simpler no-bonus version is the thing to try first.

And I’m also going to run timers so I know how closely I’m keeping to the time amounts.