Curious if there are any workarounds for goals with sub tasks?


I’m wondering if/how anyone uses Beemindee to keep track of tasks with subtasks … thanks!


Do you have an example of a goal and what types of subgoals it would encompass?

Not sure if this helps, but I used to have a must-do goal (which I should probably still have) where I would commit to one or more random to-dos every day. I would track those to-dos not in Beeminder but in Things, with a “#must-do” tag, and once all those were checked off for the day, then I would add a datapoint to my goal.


I think that’s the normal case! At least for any Beeminder goal that isn’t tracking a measured quantity like steps or weight.

Most ‘project’ type goals will have many subtasks along the way, partly because Beeminder isn’t well suited to tracking small single-step tasks.

Here are some ways that I’ve seen people handle this:

  • track something that is more trackable than subtasks, like time spent working on the project
  • binary progress tracking: days on which I did something, anything, to progress the project
  • fractional progress, where they enter 0.1 if they did something toward the project, but only reach the next 1.0 when a major subtask is complete
  • create separate goals, as @shanaqui does for reading individual books

I’m sure there are many other approaches


I would think this would be a great use for the Trello integration. Each subtask would be a Trello card and you beemind moving them or whatever it is one can beemind with Trello (I haven’t used the integration).


Trello is a good shout. There’s also a Todoist integration, which you potentially use for this purpose even if its not your app of choice. Also things like @malcolm’s (formerly Complice) and @narthur’s TaskRatchet


Thanks; I’ll check these out!


I have a Todoist task that I track for my weekly review: it has sub-tasks, and I need to tick each one off before I can complete the main task. The only slightly tricky thing is that, once I’ve ticked everything off, I need to “reset” all the subtasks for next week, which involves using the “Complete and Reset Subtasks” feature.