Gratitude journaling together

  1. Feeling optimistic about regaining strength in the deadlift.
  2. Had a nice coaching session yesterday where I learned something I can do during the times I feel really sad at the end of the night.
  3. I was able to get more sleep than expected, since it turned out I didn’t need to wake up very early to drive somewhere.
  4. Hoshimachi Suisei performed Stellar Stellar on the First Take, and is the first vtuber to perform there.
  5. Tulkas, the Vala wrestler who laughs in the face of Morgoth.
  6. It’s Friday
  1. Found a brilliant and often-relevant new word: lalochezia (worth looking up :slight_smile: )
  2. Took my mother out for a nice lunch
  3. Our next temporary stay is in an amazing Victorian hunting lodge/tower/folly
  1. Yesterday I conquered laziness and walked for over an hour.
  2. I was in a park around sunset and there were dozens of cockatoos in the trees, noisily getting themselves settled for the night.
  3. It’s Saturday!
  1. Bought myself some treats and they should arrive soon. (FFXIV soundtracks!)
  2. The new raid music in FFXIV is just lots of fun.
  3. It’s the weekend.
  1. self-gratitude-quota: i’m grateful that i just finished writing like 98% of my first beeminder journal entry. i won’t post it before tomorrow or anywhen else once i’ve re-read it and figured out how to best include pseudo-footnotes, but it’s a lot of words and i’m grateful that the bulk of the work is behind me!
  2. i’m very grateful that i don’t have dozens of obligations tomorrow! i absolutely need to do laundry. i should do a couple of other things, but if they don’t happen it’s not an impeding crisis. such luxury! :D
  3. i’m grateful that me falling asleep at probably 4:45 a.m. (since it’s 4:14 a.m. at the time of writing, and i still need to brush my teeth, etc.) won’t be as Horrible No Good Very Bad for my tomorrow as it would be if i needed to be up at a certain time tomorrow! i’ll still probably set my alarm to around noon, just so that the whole day isn’t gone after a few hours, but i’ll get a decent-ish amount of sleep either way, and that’s great cause for gratitude!
  1. SGQ: That I’m (currently) in good physical and mental health! I’m very privileged to be able to say that’s my “normal” state but as my seasonal allergies start to abate it sort of shines a light on how wonderful that is.
  2. That my brother is also into speedcubing. We get along super well, but we have very different tastes for leisure activities, so we rarely have common activities to talk about.
  3. My lender and realtor are super on the ball! My wife and I are househunting right now and decided last minute to put an offer in on a house we saw yesterday and don’t have our paperwork quite in order for it but they’re getting us all sorted out!
  1. Had a very detailed and interesting dream that could be turned into an RPG setting.
  2. My Saturday coworking hosting begins 2 hours later than weekdays, so I have time to relax a bit.
  3. Hololive JP played a full 4-person POV Deep Rock Galactic game!
  4. I got to show my brother two videos I had in mind for a while and he liked them enough to share them with his friends immediately.

Oh neat! What are your best times?

  1. Season 2 of The Legend of Vox Machina has started.
  2. Linux terminal support for ANSI colour codes and Neovim’s support for colours in syntax highlighting.
  3. I’ve improved my daytime routine script to use colours for different categories of actions, in both the routine’s normal display and its back-end data file. This was a good learning experience, and a lot of fun, and will make it easier and more pleasant for me to adjust and use my schedule every day.
  1. self-gratitude-quota: i’m grateful that i went to pick up my mug today, a nice walk resulted out of it, and the mug looks good!
  2. i’m grateful that i got to watch one of my favourite movies (portrait de la jeune fille en feu) with my flatmate today.
  3. i’m grateful for the amazing lunch we had today.
  1. I have indeed been warmer with my thermal underlayer.
  2. Did stuff with friends in FFXIV today and got one of the (currently) rarer mounts – 0.1% of the player base have it, according to FFXIVcollect. Actually, it’s the percentage of the player base who track their mounts on FFXIVcollect, which may actually skew toward people who care about their collections and thus be an overestimate, and the true percentage of people who have it might be even smaller. It delights the heart of someone who grew up catching Pokemon, ahaha.
  3. I might actually get a blackout in BookSpinBingo this month. Seven books left to read for it, and two of them I’m partway through already.

23.30 PB! ao50 is usually around 35 rn. I’m working on reliably breaking 30; slow f2l is definitely my biggest issue at the moment.

Type Description Importance
self-gratitude my poor body fighting a weird allergy or something 100%
people-gratitude my friend who’s keeping me informed on his cool project that he’ll share with me out of pure kindness 100%
world-gratitude bizarre chemicals that you can order online 100%
self-gratitude my new passion for fragrances 100%
people-gratitude the waitress really did try hard to find a mini-umbrella yesterday. She couldn’t in the end, but she tried. I appreciate it 100%

Over and out :military_helmet:

  1. I was able to get up for the group coaching although I physically didn’t want to.
  2. I am happy I am living with my brother.
  3. I take for granted that I can read Hiragana.
  4. We got seated at the restaurant where I am writing this.
  5. I have some interesting things to try out this week with work/studying!
  1. SGQ: That I’m doing a good job in general keeping up with house cleaning & maintenance chores. Of course, that’s largely because of beeminder, but I stand by keeping this as self-gratitude, since it’s me who’s choosing to use & engage with beeminder.
  2. Went out with friends last night and it was super fun!
  3. I found a post on the Austin subreddit about doing a knitting/crocheting meetup, finally made it to one yesterday, and it was wonderful.
  1. A chance conversation reminded me to order hot pepper seeds, just in time to start germinating them indoors at around the right time!
  2. I slept a lot last night!
  3. I bought some nice tonic water when I was out for groceries today so I’m looking forward to a good G&T later…
  1. self-gratitude-quota: i’m grateful i’ll be in bed before 1 a.m. tonight. not even gonna turn on my laptop anymore (writing this on my phone, which i don’t usually). it’s not that i’m overly tired/exhausted from today (although i am tired), i simply don’t feel the need for mindless laptop-ing, which is nice!
  2. i’m grateful we had a wonderful walk in the snow today! it was very beautiful. i even built a tiny snowperson in a tree!
    let’s see if image linking works from phone.
  3. i’m grateful i didn’t think/stress about work all weekend. this is something i’ve always been good at, i think (not thinking about work during non-work-times), but i’m still very grateful for it! it’s especially important for the newer job, which has reliably been mostly stressful and annoying so far. so it’s great to be able to leave all the worries and insanities behind me / for monday-me to deal with XD
  1. I have been doing stretches consistently lately and have started to notice that I’m a little more fexible.
  2. I have found some good presents for my nieces who I’ll be seeing next week for the first time since before the pandemic started.
  3. Jam shortbread biscuits.
  1. My mum will be coming with me to the dentist. (Dentist phobia. :grimacing:)
  2. More of my nerdy FFXIV merch will be arriving today.
  3. Now I have a massive fluffy oversized hoodie I can put on if I’m still cold with an average of 2.5 layers of clothes! (Vest, thermal long-sleeve shirt, t-shirt; thermal 180 denier footless tights with socks, jeans. How am I still cold?!)
  1. Costco grocery run was fast and efficient!
  2. After having a tough time yesterday, my brother came up with some ideas on his own for a very small web app that might help him, and his friend has agreed to build it.
  3. The small web app conversation reminded me that RShiny is a thing I learned, and could likely brush up on to build some of my own dashboards.
  4. My new gimmicky Do Less spending goal + meta goal are already having good effects (e.g. I put a relevant Humble Bundle on a wishlist instead of just buying it immediately)
  5. The Google Assistant chime routine I set up is really helpful for time-blindness.
  1. i’m grateful for my beeminder stickers, which just arrived today! they came at the perfect time: after i’d been (im)patiently waiting and then forgotten about them XD so, double the nice surprise; yay!

  2. i finally finished my first beeminder journal entry! it’s a lot! if you think my posts here sometimes get long, you probably don’t want to take a look at “enbee’s entries” XD (love the title i came up with! absolutely adore alliterations!)

  3. i’m grateful that i have an unprompted job-offer for a third job. i have no idea if i’ll take it. if i should take it. i’ll probably end up asking for an interview / face-to-face-convo to understand better what exactly it would entail / how much the commitment would be. i probably shouldn’t take it, because i already work regular overtime on both my current jobs. on the other hand, i just realised / remembered today that i’ll probably need to pay back some of my current earnings at the end of the year as is, because one job earns me so little that i’m not insured through it, but i’m insured through the other, so i have to pay insurance for the first as well, retroactively, because i’ll cross a certain threshhold … so, more money would not be bad! (even if i’d also have to pay insurance for that.)
    i guess the bottom line is that people seem to notice i’m doing a good/great job at my new job, because that’s more or less where the new offer came from. so even if won’t end up taking it, i’m grateful that people are thinking of me when they need someone to do good work :D