Gratitude journaling together

Nice! My best time was 59 seconds, but that was many years ago and I’m long out of practice now.

  1. While tidying up I found some large toy dinosaurs I was given ages ago. I’ve arranged them around the garden where they can peek out from behind leaves.
  2. My hairdresser. He’s a short walk away and is always nice to chat to.
  3. I was feeling tired yesterday but made myself finish my full work hours and I’m grateful for that today because I don’t have to catch up on yesterday’s time.

Sub-minute is a huge milestone, nice job! If you feel like getting back in it, there’s some really nice cubes these days :smiley:

  1. SGQ: I finished a lot of work today!
  2. Dropout’s “Um, Actually” show is delightful.
  3. Our anniversary cake is very tasty.
  1. I was able to stand up for myself at the dentist.
  2. Finished all the course material for my viral infections class – 2-3 weeks ahead of my schedule.
  3. A flexible schedule so that I can easily move things around.
  1. Had a really nice time in our “castle” holiday cottage for the last few days
  2. Saw the cats in the cattery again - they are all lovely and seem well
  3. Despite the train we were intending to catch being cancelled, we arrived at our destination before we had expected because the next train was much faster - and the conductor let us on anyway, although our tickets weren’t actually valid for it!
  1. SGQ: For the first time in four days I went to bed on time last night! Unsurprisingly, I feel more well-rested today.
  2. SodaStream means I can have sparkly orange juice whenever I want! As long as I have orange juice at all, in any rate. :stuck_out_tongue:
  3. It’s raining so hard!
  1. Geoguessr reminded me of my good fortune to have been able to live in and get so familiar with NYC during my formative years.
  2. Last day of my Latin review before the term starts, and I have my goal to thank for getting me through thirteen chapters over winter break.
  3. Refreshed motivation cues last night.
  4. The olive wood bowl my mom got me from Jerusalem that would have just collected dust can be used for my Adventure Coin system.
  5. Beeminder is just the best workplace. I love talking and working with everyone so much!
  6. Last night (while playing Geoguessr for some reason) I realized that the many conventional, but irrelevant or misleading pieces of general life advice I felt like I struggled against for a long time, have, by being so wrong, actually helped lead me down a path of self understanding! (adversarial wisdom?)
  1. I managed to get myself to go to bed early last night.
  2. Hearing lizards scuttling in the leaves in the garden outside the window next to my desk.
  3. I have three new novels that I am reading, two by one of my favourite authors.
  • I’m better at driving cars
  • I walked 1 hour and feel pretty good about it
  • I took a nap and had tons of interesting dreams
  1. self-gratitute-quota: i’m grateful that i’m in therapy. it’s not been long, i don’t really think much has changed yet, if anything, but it’s taken a super long time for me last year to actually do the work to look for and then find a therapist, so i’m very grateful and happy that i found one who i think i’m mostly happy with, and who i can afford, (and who didn’t ghost me when i asked for a first appointment, like one or two others did, LOL).
  2. i’m grateful that i had so much fun catching up on some webtoons again today! i’m grateful i was able to take the time to catch up with many week’s/month’s worth of content for quite a few of them. they’re so thrilling and/or funny and/or fascinating and/or cute/wholesome! i could really feel myself hunger for more plot :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: even though it’s later again that it probably should be, i’m very happy that i’m now again caught up again with many more of them, and that the reading brought me enough joy to actually do it and continue to do it.
  3. i’m grateful work wasn’t hectic today. i wish i could have gotten home sooner, but at least it wasn’t stressful.
  1. My best friend from childhood is getting married!
  2. I have vague plans to meet up with her soon; it’s been too long, because of COVID, and we’ll still meet outside… but it’ll be nice to see her.
  3. Lisa tried to get my dental prescription filled… it didn’t work out, because they didn’t have the stuff in stock, but they tried!
  1. SGQ: I’m a good, collaborative TTRPG player! Plenty of room to grow, but also more requests to join games than I have time for, which is a good problem to have :slight_smile:
  2. My friend was telling me about her wedding plans for next October and said something along the lines of “we’re doing one big ‘royal court’ instead of separated bridesmaids and groomsmen; obviously you and your wife will be in the court” and it made me feel very loved! Also, it’s going to be at a ren faire and everyone will be in costume and it will be amazing.
  3. My wife has five days off work!
  1. Got a really nice haircut today, at a barber I used to visit a few years back
  2. Completed 10k steps by lunchtime
  3. Able to stay in a lovely flat in central London for a couple of weeks
  1. i’m grateful that i have a therapy session tomorrow. i don’t yet know if i’ll have the courage to speak about what i probably should speak about, but at least i’ll have the chance to do so :)
  2. self-gratitude-quota: i’m grateful to myself for making the phone call today! (regarding my potential third job, i called to ask for a face-to-face interview/conversation.) i don’t like phone calls (: in fact, i hate them (: but i did it! she didn’t pick, but then called me back (when i couldn’t pick up), but then i called back again, and we got to talking, and now we have more or less set a date. really happy that it’s almost two weeks from now, too! :D gives me much more time to chill and not think about this, before i’ll have to do some more research and start inevitably stressing about it when the day looms closer :P
  3. i’m grateful that i didn’t fight with my mum on the phone today. it was only a very short and uncomplicated call, but oftentimes our vibes are very diametrically opposed, so things can explode quickly :P
  1. I am grateful for the progress I made at work yesterday. I was persistent with a complex task that I’d been having trouble with for a while and I finished it.
  2. A mango milkshake.
  3. Sushi for a late breakfast today.
  1. Got 2nd place in a vocabulary game during my first Latin class in 20 years.
  2. I actually studied one more chapter in my Latin textbook than I needed to for my review, and am now well ahead with the class, because it turns out we’re going to be spending two weeks on it!
  3. nayuta, a treasure to the utaite scene, and her album【路地裏の少女と異形頭の住人たち】(“The girl in the alley and the residents of the deformed head”), which despite the name does a lovely job as most of my nightly wind-down playlist.
  4. Suisei’s album Specter is out!
  5. Talked to my friend and explained how I’ve developed tons of clarity about life the past few weeks, and he seemed to actually get it despite us being in very different places.
  1. With a little help from Beeminder, I’ve finished going through the course material for both my courses now.
  2. I’m going to let myself have a day off from studying tomorrow, before I start working on my assignments next week.
  3. I’m so close to no longer being on anxiety medication! (For now. I may need it again in future, I am not scorning its use… merely glad that I don’t need it anymore for the moment.)

@rperce happy beeminder birthday! Or real life birthday, i don’t really know what the cakes stands for, haha

  1. SGQ: it’s only Thursday and I already worked 21h this week, and it didn’t feel that hard. Before I would struggle to reach this amount and be depressed that I don’t have a life xD
  2. Someone helped me with technical stuff that si was struggling with (I don’t like to ask for help at all, so I’m pretty bad at asking engaging questions - it’s a vicious circle)
  3. Life feels mildly sweet. Like a cup of tea with a bit of sugar
  4. It looks like everyone else here is having good stuff going on for them :grin:
  5. My sister made us indian food yesterday and it was good
  1. Occasionally correct Japanese words I had no idea I knew, and that I am certain I never studied (so don’t know how to write in kanji yet) will pop into my head in relevant contexts.
  2. Adam posted about kotatsu, so I went to see if I had a picture of our kotatsu in Google Photos, which got me to look at some nice photos from the past few years.
  3. The water (shut off temporarily for repairs) was turned back on just in time for when I really needed it.
  1. I did a lot of cleaning yesterday.
  2. Yesterday was a hot day but there was a lovely breeze all afternoon.
  3. I slept well last night.
  1. self-gratitude-quota: i’m grateful to myself for talking about what i had intended to talk about in therapy today! it wasn’t nearly as difficult as i’d imagined, and it feels good to have said it!
  2. i’m super grateful i’d decided to go to the theatre tonight. my flatmate had asked if i wanted to accompany him, and i’d been on the fence for various reasons, but in the end decided to join. it was great! i loved the play so much, i might even go to watch it again!
  3. i’m grateful i didn’t turn on my laptop again after coming home. it’s very late now, again, and i don’t need to check anything, so it feels good to just ignore it :)

(actually all of these might be self-gratitudes, but those are more valuable to me anyway, so it’s fine! [as in, my goal is to have at least one self-gratitude per post, but if it’s two or three that’s great as well. having none would be a no-go though :P] besides, some could very easily be rephrased as non-self-gratitudes [“i’m grateful my flatmate invited me to the theatre”, etc.] / so that’s kind of unspokenly implied XD)