Gratitude journaling together

  1. I’ve unlocked a thing called mentor roulette on FFXIV, which drops me into almost any duty in the game that someone needs help with. I’ve been with some fun groups and re-done some fights I hadn’t touched in two years. It’s actually really nice, even though I know other mentors complain a lot about it!
  2. Picked up a book randomly from my backlog and finding it really absorbing. (The Lost World of Byzantium, by Jonathan Harris. I must’ve bought it years ago now.)
  3. The big story dungeon Praetorium in FFXIV has been cut down a bit so it doesn’t take as long as it used to… but the cutscenes are still a great time to read. :laughing: Getting two of my hobbies in at once, score!
  • self-gratitude-quota: i’m grateful i went out to hand in the covid test today in time.
  • i’m grateful i’ll be in bed before 2 a.m.
  • i’m grateful it’ll still be the weekend tomorrow.

I’d love to know which one if you don’t mind sharing.

  1. One of the last remaining right-wing states in Australia turned centre-left in an election yesterday.
  2. Jeremy’s efforts at tidying recently have encouraged me to tidy my things too.
  3. I had a fun day of board games today - two new versions of Pandemic that I hadn’t played before.
  1. The biweekly walk with my childhood bestie was today and was nice. I finally remembered to ask her a bit about her wedding!
  2. We saw a very grumpy heron.
  3. Plans for the evening with my static.

@alys It’s a bit obscure, but I’ve really gotten into Japanese LoFi music over the past couple of years. Historically I couldn’t listen to anything while doing concentrated work - anything with lyrics or tunes is all too distracting. Then I found Japanese LoFi, and it’s perfect for me to listen to. Deeply soothing!

The podcast I was listening to was a chap with a wonderful (Spanish or South American) accent, who talks about random cultural or mystical things, to a background of Lo-Fi music. It’s called “Cosmic Dancer - Lo-Fi Music / Hi-Fi Faith”. This particular one was about a famous Japanese writer, but he talks about all sorts of weird things. I don’t really listen to the words, just the tone!


  1. My sister visited today, first visitor in the new house - haven’t seen her for too long!
  2. First days back at the gym are going well
  3. Sold some things on ebay that had been cluttering up a cupboard for years and got a surprisingly good price for them

@clivemeister Thank you!

  1. Stretches that my physio taught me are making me feel good.
  2. Jeremy is cooking haloumi
  3. My week of being on call for work has finished and there was only one incident.
  • reading by the sea
  • the sun feels good
  • house is lively with awesome people
  • finding out that my favourite candy exists in the form of a soda can (chupa chups milk+strawberry)

self-gratitude-quota: i’m grateful that i took soup out of the freezer today and heated it up for dinner. i’m grateful that i’m going to bed now. i’m grateful that i only have to be at work for 2-3 hours tomorrow.

  1. Small extension on my assignment due to downtime of the web portal we use to access study materials.
  2. Some of my procrastination today has been useful (I did chores).
  3. Random pyjama day because why not.
  1. Going to the guided meditation on the rooftop even though I was anxious about it
  2. Reading in the sun
  3. Ritalin making me feel calmer
  • self-gratitude-quota: i’m grateful i did a baby step of household things today.
  • i’m grateful i had a short and not stressful day at work today.
  • i’m grateful i don’t have to worry about money too much. things are not looking great right now from a mental perspective, so it’s good to have general gratitudes like this to fall back on.
  1. I am getting better at pushups.
  2. I’m making plans to have lunch with an ex-work-make next week.
  3. Orange flowers visible out the window from my desk.
  1. I am thankful I got some medicine to help with my cough.

  2. I am thankful for my wife.

  3. I am thankful for my little dachshund.

  1. I’ve got a full draft of both my assignments now, with a couple days left to go.
  2. My FFXIV static managed to do our two weekly clears of the Unreal trial in a single go each. That’s especially satisfying as a former member quit with a lot of critique of the trouble we were having with that trial.
  3. One of my FFXIV friends is reading a book I suggested to him, and he’s having so much fun.
  • self-gratitude-quota: i’m grateful that i’ll be in bed hours earlier than last night. the best kind of sleep: more.
  • i’m grateful that my body feels almost its usual unsick self again. i still can’t smell, but my other stats seem to be almost or fully back to their pre-covid selves.
  • i’m grateful for the show i’m currently binging. it’s very cute and funny, i enjoy it a lot.

@linux535 welcome to the gratitude journal!

This is very funny

(I want to answer to other entries but I don’t want to ping everyone lol)

  1. Someone from the house took me to bachata for beginners even if she was sick. (I had the best time of my life)
  2. I found a nice place to work from, it’s very cosy
  3. People still being nice to me even though I’m both awkward, shy and emotionless at times (I try to stop “faking” emotions because it’s really exhausting)
  1. Am am starting to actually feel better.

  2. I am doing good on my Beeminder goals.

  3. I got access to chat GPT plugin alpha.

  1. Jeremy dismantled an old trackball mouse and the two balls from inside it are the prettiest red spheres that fit into one hand perfectly and make a satisfying clacking noise. It’s like they were made to be fidget toys.
  2. We have collected four boxes of old electronics parts for recycling.
  3. A friend who cut her chin open in a scooter accident has healed well and will have no scar.
  1. I am pretty confident about my draft of one of the two assignments.
  2. Today’s been a fairly light work day.
  3. I’m finally caught up with the chores I dropped while I was feeling unwell.
  1. C went to the dentist with some trepidation, but it worked out fine and was straightforward
  2. Managed to get our new super-swanky catflap fitted and working ok, with a little “adjustment” :slight_smile:
  3. Our two outdoor cats have - mostly - worked out the new catflap and are using it successfully