Gratitude journaling together

  • a difficult time with one of our cats, but he is getting better
  • new office chairs have arrived
  • great customer service for my new Luminette anti-winter-gloom headset thingy
  • i’m grateful that the work day was busy and productive.
  • i’m also grateful that it’s over. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  • self-gratitude: i’m grateful i’m prioritising sleep now.
  1. The snow yesterday was pretty but is gone today without leaving horrible icy death traps everywhere.
  2. Plans with a friend for this evening to do a FFXIV thing that we’ve been neglecting but really want to get done.
  3. Caught up with my reading goal yesterday, to my own surprise.
  • i’m grateful i had fun at word today.
  • i’m grateful for a warm and delicious dinner.
  • self-gratitude: i’m grateful i thought of a fun new gift idea for my friends. i’m gonna make them a photo album! free baby picture serotonin and good nostalgia for me, and a great memory archive for them. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
  1. The rugby game today should be fun to watch.
  2. Rereading a book I really enjoyed.
  3. New slippers! They’re the same style I usually get, but this time they’re sloths instead of koalas. (I got a new koala pair as well, for spare – I seem to be hard-wearing on my slippers, ha.)
  • a precautionary medical test came back negative (good!)
  • took some more stuff out for donation
  • boardgames evening tonight
  • self-gratitude: i’m grateful that i didn’t derail on my room tidy goal today.
  • i’m grateful that i got some good feedback for my uni work today.
  • i’m grateful we had a fun evening.
  1. I have some fun and interesting work to do today.
  2. Jasper Fforde has a new book out, Red Side Story, a sequel to the excellent Shades of Grey.
  3. self-gratitude: I did more door-knocking for The Greens on the weekend, with a partner, and I’ve realised that I’m ready to try it by myself.
  • self-gratitude: i’m grateful that i did well on both my cleaning goals today before leaving the house.
  • self-gratitude: i’m grateful i’m rethinking the minimums of my language goals. (maybe 5 minutes instead of 10 is okay on days that don’t leave me with much free time …)
  • i’m grateful i now have my suitcase, so i can measure it.

I am having difficulty finding gratitude today because I have not slept and I’m cranky about it. So. I’m grateful for a flexible work schedule that meant I could do work while I couldn’t sleep, and I can sleep during working hours.

  • i’m very grateful that sending my booklet to the printer energised me very much. go me! can’t wait to see how it turns out. :eyes:
  • i’m grateful my suitcase seems to be not too big.
  • self-gratitude: i’m grateful i did well on my goals tonight.
  • self-gratitude: i’m grateful i remembered something today.
  • i’m grateful for my warm bed.
  • self-gratitude: i’m grateful i’m making a lot of self-care decisions today.
  1. Earplugs worked to help me get some sleep.
  2. Lisa’s reading the books I recently really enjoyed, so we can share the joy, hurrah.
  3. Got the latest book from my British Library Crime Classics subscription, and it’s a new E.C.R. Lorac, hurrah!
  4. They made the matching bookmark smaller in the meantime so it can fit in the book better.
  • dug and planted the new herbacious bed over the last couple of days, which was hard work but satisfying
  • quote for some work on the house has come in more reasonably than we’d feared
  • slept well the last couple of nights
  • i’m grateful i got many hours of sleep last night.
  • i’m grateful for a fun evening with my family.
  • self-gratitude: i’m grateful i worked on at least some of my goals even though i got home very late today.
  1. self-gratitude: I did door knocking for The Greens by myself today.
  2. Another volunteer gave me a lift to and from the area I’d been assigned.
  3. Sunscreen.
  • i’m grateful that my flatmate makes me laugh even when i don’t feel like it.
  • self-gratitude: i’m grateful that i went to the evening event.
  • i’m grateful that the evening event was very fun and interesting.
  1. Heavy rain overnight. I love watching the creek behind my house rushing past, nearly full.
  2. I saw one of the garden’s lizards sheltering from the rain under the house.
  3. self-gratitude: I put myself to bed early last night and caught up on some sleep.
  1. Some self talk eventually helped with difficult thing X
  2. Getting out in the garden and sorting it out for the Spring is very satisfying
  3. Grateful the house is shrugging off this exceptional weather
  1. I got to sleep in good time without earplugs last night. Much more comfy.
  2. A task I put off was in fact very quick to accomplish.
  3. Lisa’s finished reading the Scum Villain books, so now we can talk about them! It’s nice to have a partner in enthusiasm, ahaha.