Gratitude journaling together

  1. Yesterday I finally finished collating all the information for my tax return (from two years ago…) and took it to an accountant for help. She was efficient and friendly and it is such a relief.
  2. She noticed some information that I’d missed giving her, which will save me money!
  3. Jeremy is making bacon and eggs for breakfast.
  1. When something happens and I think “I’ve gotta tell @alys”. Friends are good. :blue_heart:
  2. The new meds are… working? Without the epic throat dryness I had before?
  3. Someone sent me a thank you note and I happened to put it on my desk, and every time I see it my heart lifts a little.
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  1. Something pleasant happened to a friend and I am delighted. :slight_smile:
  2. It’s my desk duty day at work, which is my favourite day because of the novelty of new jobs coming in that I get to work on.
  3. Toast with marmalade and Vegemite for breakfast (separately).
  1. Beautiful bonsai standing in front of me.
  2. Started journalling publicly despite fear.
  3. Last warm days.
  1. It was a little cold during my walk today and I love that.
  2. Slowly executing plans made during my “worry time” and it does seem to help a bit.
  3. Maybe feel a little less overwhelmed today in general, actually.

@trapt365 Your post has a very pleasant rhythm to it. I’m trying to work out if it’s a form of syllabic poetry. I can’t find a form that matches it though. Is it? Anyway, it’s lovely even if unintentionally so. :slight_smile:

  1. ^^ That. I love the flow of it.
  2. There’s been enough rain that the local river is at twice its recent depth. It made crossing at the stepping stones while remaining dry enjoyably tricky.
  3. My compost bin is heating up nicely. I love compost. It’s almost magic how quickly it heats.

Technically it’s only been today by 40 minutes, but I’m feeling grateful already, so nuh.

  1. Giggling over things I see on Twitter, like the thread about figuring out which McDonald’s locations in the US have a broken ice cream machine.
  2. Help Scout’s inbox zero graphics. I love seeing the seasonal ones, like this Halloween one:
  3. I am about to go to bed and cwtch up to my hot water bottle.
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It was unintentional. Now I am thinking maybe it is a good idea to put structure to this exercise (5-7-5?)

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  1. Went to bed early yesterday.
  2. New conversation made me think of poetry.
  3. Silence around me.
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  1. I’ve been playing Hades. It’s the first rogue-like game I’ve played since nethack so I’m a bit lost and still bad at fighting but I’m getting better.
  2. After the British “government” decided to not feed hungry children, a bunch of restaurants offered free meals to children who need them and Marcus Rashford MBE collated them on his Twitter feed. It’s heartwarming reading.
  3. TIL that Marcus is a soccer player and is awesome. Originally I thought he was a politician merely doing the basics that a politician should do.

@alys Aaaah yay I love Hades so much!

  1. Our awesome vet fit Biscuit for within two hours of calling. A rabbit not eating is never a good thing, but our vet practice is always there when we need them.
  2. A Twitter friend bought me a book today which was a complete surprise!
  3. A hot water bottle really helped with my anxiety shivers. Sometimes it’s like if I can just get warm, that’s half the anxiety sorted right there.
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If we lived in the same city and the whole world wasn’t a plague pit, I would be camping out at your place until you had taught me how to play properly. :smile:

  1. Very heavy rain yesterday! The ground will be well soaked and the river is running strongly.
  2. More rain today! Not so much and there’s some blue sky so it’s a nice day.
  3. I slept in and feel great.
  1. Bellowhead’s live album.
  2. Biscuit’s doing a lot better already – thank goodness we caught the issue quickly.
  3. Talking about Hades!

I’m not sure how far you are through or what trouble you’re having, but I have general tips! Also if you wanna watch me do a playthrough sometime, I’m sure that could be managed…

  • Don’t be afraid to turn on God Mode; it doesn’t make things so much easier that it ruins the experience, and the help it gives you is always proportional to the number of times you’ve died
  • Get all the Infernal Arms as soon as possible so you can get access to Titan’s Blood upgrades; upgrade Coronacht to get the Aspect of Chiron: that causes every single arrow in your special to target whichever enemy you just attacked
  • Before you get that upgrade, Coronacht’s special works well in crowded levels, but also if you get up close to the enemy and blast them with it, it can do a lot of damage to a single enemy
  • I like Ares’ “Doom” boons a lot for chipping away at the health of enemies even when you’re not doing a lot of damage by attacking
  • Aphrodite’s “Weak” effects can really help if you’re having trouble with enemies damaging you too much; Poseidon’s knock-away effects can be useful too – often I like to get a boon from Aphrodite on attack and one from Poseidon on special; Athena’s can be useful on attack as well because it deflects
  • I don’t bother with boons on my cast, I find them usually a waste, damage-wise
  • Do not grab the hovering coin bag that sometimes appears behind Charon until you’re ready for a really rough fight, but if you’re feeling strong it’s pretty worth it: you get 300 gold and a “loyalty card” which gives you a discount during that run
  • Death Defiance is worth it, and if you give Nectar to Skelly, the item he gives you gives you an extra slot for Death Defiance; I prefer it over Stubborn Defiance
  • Once you get to Elysium, you really really really want to pick the ! door when you see it: Patroclus’ boons are great (one replenishes all your Death Defiance, for instance), and also you need to give him and Achilles a lot of Nectar, and talk to them a lot, to eventually be able to give them a happy ending

Oh gosh, that got long.

  1. A birthday party with friends.
  2. Even more rain yesterday than the day before! The creek behind my house was close to the top of its banks.
  3. So grateful Biscuit is okay!

@shanaqui I’m more at the stage of “OMG HOW DO I EVEN FIGHT???!” :laughing: I can barely work out how to attack in the right direction, while dodging in the right (different) direction, while working out what’s the best attack to use, while working out what they’re using against me and therefore how much/far I need to dodge, while even just keep track of everything that’s happening. :scream: :smiley: I guess it’s just practice but I feel as if I’m missing a fundamental skill. I can tell that I’m getting better although sometimes it seems like random luck from happening to mash the keys in the right way.

Thank you for the tips! I can see some will be useful now and I’ll save the others for later. <3

  1. New Thea Gilmore song for patrons!
  2. Biscuit and Eclair are back together in the hutch and voraciously nomming anything that isn’t glued down.
  3. Booking the smart meter installation with our energy supplier was pretty painless, w00t.
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  1. The Good Place (again). I finished my rewatch. It remains as delightful as ever. It’s fun to see the early references to things that will happen later.
  2. I am getting noticably better at pull-ups.
  3. I went walking through a nearby semi-enclosed neighbourhood for the first time last night. I discovered public toilets! They’re only a five minute walk away so they’ll be useful the next time we have water or plumbing works here. :smiley:
  1. The local river is flowing strongly, with rapids! (Tiny rapids and it’s a tiny river, but for a city it’s fantastic.)
  2. Star Trek Discovery. It has a story arc and engaging characters.
  3. Jeremy made crumbed chicken with a curry sauce for dinner. I love his crumbed food - it’s so crunchy.
  1. I recieved physical stickers from Beeminder tonight :honeybee: :heart:
  2. I succeded on my theorical exam for my driving licence
  3. I met with my best friend for berenar (catalan word use to indicate “snack”, but berenar is used to indicate that taken in the afternoon, filling the meal gap between lunch and dinner).
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  1. Managed to properly get started with biostatistics class, finally.
  2. My dad’s dug over our garden so we can do some planting.
  3. I got almost everything I planned to do done today.
  1. A cup of tea with Jeremy first thing in the day. He’s not usually awake then.
  2. I tried a new exercise in the gym yesterday and I’m satisfyingly sore today.
  3. My ears are unblocked! They’ve been badly blocked for a couple of weeks with my doctor too booked up to see her earlier than yesterday.
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