Gratitude journaling together

  1. Lentils with yoghurt.
  2. The election result.
  3. A long sleep last night.
  1. Stephen Fry’s “Troy” audio book.
  2. Flower scent in the air.
  3. Landscaping companies. So useful for so many reasons.
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  1. Twitter continues to be a joy and full of schadenfreude.
  2. Another day with a lot of reading.
  3. Ginger cake.
  1. A new flower on a different plant in the garden, this one large on a tall stalk and very striking.
  2. A family birthday party.
  3. Chicken satay.
  1. @alys being funny in a private chat some of the Habitica mods are in.
  2. Still lots of reading! (Only two hours today, not the 4.5 from yesterday, but still good times.)
  3. Lisa helping me with biostatistics stuff I don’t get.
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  1. A pigeon cooing outside my bedroom this morning.
  2. A large flower in the garden was broken off its plant so it’s in my kitchen now.
  3. Stone fruit have come into season.
  1. Realised (with a little help from my friends) that I am anaemic again. Beeminder graph to the rescue: iron tablets time! I will feel better soon.
  2. I didn’t need to write in my worry journal today. I had no active worries. What a concept!
  3. My new mask doesn’t hurt my ears anymore because it has ties instead of elastic. Thank you, wife!
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  1. Got a lot of studying done today, finally got ahead again.
  2. Planning Christmas shopping yay!
  3. Controlling my worries with stuff from my CBT sessions did help.
  1. The broken flower that I brought up to the kitchen yesterday is looking better today. The water has revived it.
  2. A saw a handsome Crested pigeon in the garden this morning, probably one that has been cooing nearby lately. She has a topknot!
  3. The compost bin has many beetle larva every day, which the scrub turkeys love, and I’ve discovered that if I put a hemisphere of mandarin peel in the bin, they will swarm into it, which is exceptionally convenient for lifting them out.
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I have learned so much about the wildlife of Australia from reading Alys’s entries on this thread!

  1. The fact that injecting the BCG vaccine (for tuberculosis) into someone’s bladder can be used as a cancer treatment. I knew this before, but still, every time. :exploding_head:
  2. Reading a book on the silver fox domestication experiment. Glad I picked this up – it’s a pretty familiar topic for me, but only in broad outlines.
  3. Volunteering for the WHO, because that’s a thing that happens to me these days.
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  1. Researchers fitted tiny stilts on ants to investigate how they measure distance. I love the mental image…
  2. Hidden Books Game! I’m rubbish this time, I’ve got nothing so far. I normally get something, but totally blank – even with hints.
  3. After refusing to eat last night, Eclair nommed his pellets this morning, so we’re putting this down to rabbits occasionally just deciding to be assholes for no apparent reason.

I wish they had only used stilts, but they also shortened the ants’ legs :sob:

We manipulated the lengths of the legs and, hence, the stride lengths, in freely walking ants. Animals with elongated (“stilts”) or shortened legs (“stumps”) take larger or shorter strides, respectively, and concomitantly misgauge travel distance.

Still, that’s utterly fascinating. Thanks for sharing!

Yeah, that part was less cute-sounding, for sure…

  1. That comment. Nice to hear! :smiley:
  2. Yesterday I had a day off from all my responsibilities. It was glorious.
  3. Jeremy and I had lunch at the local sushi place then dessert and cofee at the cafe next to it.
  1. Nailed the Hidden Books game. Sir Precious Jewellers indeed, gah, I should have got that one.
  2. I really do enjoy the prompt with the cereal, though. That one’s funny.
  3. Having a kind of weekend, even if I still work both days, is very nice.
  1. Bill & Ted Face the Music. It was lovely. I liked how there were no bad guys in it, just people who were sometimes misguided. (I could make a case for two people being actually bad but I’m discounting them for Reasons that would be spoilers.)
  2. A birthday dinner with friends.
  3. The Source Bulk Foods has a shop near my place. They sell foodstuffs from bulk bins and you bring your own containers to avoid plastic and glass waste.
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  1. Allegedly (according to Mary Dobson’s Murderous Contagion: A Human History of Disease, anyway) Albert Szent-Györgyi originally called vitamin C “ignose”, because it looked like a sugar (always referred to as an -ose, like glucose, sucrose, fructose, galactose, etc). Told he couldn’t name it that, he attempted to name it “godnose”. (This didn’t fly either.) I’m not sure if this is apocryphal or not as I’m not seeing it in many other reputable sources, though. Still a funny story.
  2. My dad has bought me the really fiery ginger beer I prefer even though Lisa can’t get it at our local store.
  3. Felt like writing today.
  1. The Android Gold Leaf icon pack. They’re so pretty!
  2. Teacup Holsters exist!
  3. Jeremy pointed out to me a nifty thing about The Good Place that I hadn’t realised: the trolley problem features heavily and hilariously in the philosophical parts and Eleanor’s death was caused by a (shopping) trolley.
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  1. Muddy but nice walk today at Nostell Priory.
  2. Payday!
  3. I will see my dad briefly tomorrow – he’s dropping off my fiery ginger beer. :grin: