Gratitude journaling together

  1. Thanks for the Twitter thread @alys! Recent editions of The Economist were too gloomy
  2. Orange juice and fruits in the morning
  3. New set of pens to write and take notes
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  1. My mother is doing some shopping for us since we have to self-isolate.
  2. She is also dropping off a lateral flow test so we have slightly more information to operate with.
  3. Tomorrow is my day off.
  1. Birthday present from Portal Bookshop! Two books which have been on my list a while.
  2. Started my birthday giveaways.
  3. Silly emotes on Final Fantasy XIV.
  1. A games day with friends yesterday.
  2. A small family birthday party today.
  3. A gift I gave was appreciated.
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  1. Watched this movie on a whim yesterday and it made me think I should watch more movies! The soundtrack was perfection (“Both Sides Now,” “You’re All I Need To Get By”, …) and Deaf actors telling Deaf stories. Definitely recommend for a feel-good dramedy! CODA Movie
  2. Was able to fix our broken washing machine much more easily than expected.
  3. We’ve been having beautiful, sunny, breezy days recently.
  1. A birthday gift from Alys. :blue_heart:
  2. Pancakes for brunch.
  3. The new World Postcard Day postcard design is lovely.

Happy Birthday :cake: @shanaqui ! I had mine on 14th :slight_smile:

  1. Birthday present from Mom and sister.
  2. Calls from near and dear ones
  3. Significant progress on my Goals - on the verge of breakthrough
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Aw, happy belated birthday! Mine’s not until the 20th, but everyone’s sending me stuff early (partly because postal times are awful at the moment!).

  1. A workday in the office for the first time in weeks, catching up with some of my favourite coworkers.
  2. A friendly, cheerful supermarket assistant who helped me when the checkout scales kept throwing errors.
  3. Chocolate cake.
  1. I woke up naturally this morning, just over an hour before work, so I had time to wash my hair and finish my book before getting to it.
  2. I work almost exclusively for Beeminder now! (I still help out at Postcrossing, though. I’m also still a mod on Habitica, but that’s not paid work.)
  3. It’s cool enough for me to be able to stand a hot water bottle at night, which I greatly prefer – it’s a sensory thing.
  1. Had some friends over in the garden and I’m so grateful for this house and the friends I share it with. (Moved from a flat last week so our garden is a luxury!)
  2. Today’s workout was super hard in the best way.
  3. I’ve been enjoying an abundance of great books recently. I’m grateful for my library card and Libby.
  1. Quite cold this morning! I don’t expect it to stay that way – it is August, after all – but our walk today should be pretty pleasant, nonetheless.
  2. Rereading The Lord of the Rings. It’s really nice sometimes to know a story so well, and still have confidence in the telling of it. I know the narrator’s voice I imagine is actually the one from the BBC radioplay, and Tolkien himself was rather mumbly, but still, it feels like being told a story by an extra grandfather or uncle.
  3. Focusmate is working really well to make me knuckle down and read, without constantly looking at Discord/my phone, or swapping books because I’m not feeling it, or… all the excuses that have changed how I read. Like yesterday I read 110 pages in one sitting of The Jasmine Throne, not because I was particularly fascinated (I’m enjoying it, but not massively sucked into it) but because I was on Focusmate and I’d promise.
  1. A visit to my doctor for a checkup - she’s always lovely to talk to.
  2. Fresh morning air.
  3. Toasted ham and cheese sandwiches.
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Thanks @shanaqui for the wish! And 110 pages in one sitting is insane :exploding_head: I should also use Focusmate for my reading goals now :smiley:

  1. Video call with a dear friend
  2. Taking my dog out for a walk late in the night
  3. Making hand written notes on a recent Test
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I’m finding it really helpful for that! I was always a fast reader, of course, so this basically puts me back into that space of how I used to read, and… off I go!

  1. Might have found a compromise that works for everyone in a particular situation.
  2. Big box of books for my birthday from my wife. We haven’t opened it yet, but I know it’s all from my wishlist, so it’ll be nice.
  3. My other birthday present from my wife is a wired connection instead of wifi! We set that up last night.
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  1. A gaming evening with friends.
  2. Coming home to the smell of dinner cooking.
  3. I helped a workmate by reviewing a large piece of work he had planned and found a few small errors - it made me feel useful.
  1. Had a ton of fun dressing up for a fancy dinner.
  2. Enjoyed some fantastic coffee yesterday and today.
  3. My sister’s hugs!! Saw her at the airport for the first time since Christmas.
  1. Tomorrow is my birthday, and I have a day off! I’ve even scheduled time off on most of my Beeminder goals.
  2. Focusmate sessions today should help me get everything done.
  3. Managed to get an appointment with the dentist who is really careful about my phobias. (There’s a hole in one of my filled teeth, probably part of the filling has cracked.)
  1. A super-busy day at work but with help from my team mates.
  2. A client and a manager are pleased with me.
  3. I had an “I told you so” moment.
  1. Enjoyed a delicious spicy tagliatelle and salad dinner last night with a movie; it’s great having a living room to chill and watch movies in the evenings!
  2. Our new houseplant arrived today and it’s super tall (almost person height!). Welcome to the family Phil!
  3. The cool, cloudy, breezy weather has been great for my exercise goals.