Gratitude journaling together

  1. A haircut
  2. A talk with the hairdresser, which is something I never do, don’t exactly want to do more, but which went fine and was nice.
  3. Got some free bolts at the bike repair shop, which allowed me finally attach the luggage carrier to my bike again. After a tire repair, chain lubrication, derailleur adjustment and lights battery replacement, which I gradually checked off over the past few weeks, my bike is as good as new. And I no longer announce my presence with all the jangling and extraneous noises. I think I even have everything I need to repair a flat in the field now.
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  1. My exams will be online again this year.
  2. Rereading a book I enjoyed a few years ago. It’s familiar enough that I don’t have to think too hard, but it’s been a while and it’s a mystery story, so I’m having to puzzle things together a bit. So glad I’m a rereader, tbh – I feel like people who are vociferously against ever rereading totally miss out.
  3. Proud and grateful that I’ve got to the point that I have all my outgoings covered through the end of January, and some through to the end of February. Thanks YNAB and Beeminder!
  1. Second-hand book stores and finding a (hopefully) nice book to gift.
  2. Independent book stores, happening upon a book which looks both beautiful and interesting and the helpful and friendly people working at book stores.
  3. Inquiring about back-ordering some books which I’ve been meaning to get for ages. Starting to read more books again and starting to buy books again go hand-in-hand, it seems. Also grateful for YNAB for providing me with a guilt-free budget for books.
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  1. Cheese on tomato
  2. The Elevate app. It’s helping me improve my mental arithmetic skills, which used to be good but have become very rusty.
  3. She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. It’s engaging and fun.
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  1. Friends who are protective.
  2. It’s about to be bedtime, and that just sounds really nice.
  3. My dad’s okay with us going over for Lisa to do more of their exams soon.
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  1. Working with everyone at Beeminder is definitely the best working experience of my life, and I’ve worked with some pretty awesome people.
  2. Flexibility in my work hours. I stayed in bed an hour extra this morning with a hot water bottle under my neck, because I’ve been having a lot of neck pain (and tingling/numb hands from something going crunch in my neck) and it was fiiiine.
  3. People from our Free Company helped me and Lisa with a thing that was really hard for us on our own.
  1. Husband is off work tomorrow.
  2. Daughter is doing well in classes where she’s been mainstreamed.
  3. Kids did well with zero electronics today.
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  1. Listening to music my parents loved when I was a kid. Just makes me smile.
  2. I can have schadenfreude about something rather than having to be involved with it.
  3. A secret and extravagant present arrived for my wife.
  1. A small family gathering today.
  2. A “cake” made from a hollow shell of chocolate and when it was broken open there were lollies inside!
  3. Stoffel, the honey badger that can escape from anywhere!
  1. A weekend of great weather in Big Sur
  2. Just had a cat on my lap
  3. Lots of color still on the trees
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  1. A bus being 1 minute late when I was just barely on time.
  2. I was testing a server at work today and did a typo in a command. I found that the server had been coded to cancel my command with the message “Error: I can break rules, too. Goodbye.”
  3. Lots of help from my manager preparing for some server upgrade testing that I need to do tomorrow.
  1. Wales beat Australia in the rugby today (if narrowly).
  2. Watching old (Richard O’Brien era) episodes of Crystal Maze with my wife. They didn’t see them as a kid, but they’re just as into the ridiculousness of it all. (It’s on Youtube.)
  3. PJ day!
  1. A server upgrade that I was assisting with by doing testing went so well that it took only 1.5 hours out of the alloted 4.5!
  2. I visited a friend and spent an enjoyable hour washing his backlog of dishes while reading an ebook. (I love washing up, especially when it reduces utter chaos to pristine neatness.)
  3. Cadbury’s Snack chocolate.
  1. I might have said this one before, but I’ve realised my reMarkable is perfect for reading the PDFs publishers sometimes send as advanced reader copies – they’re unreadable on a normal ereader, but a good size on a reMarkable.
  2. We’re getting close to the end of the main expansion quests in FFXIV: Stormblood, meaning we’re about to unlock a bunch more dungeons and stuff. Exciting!
  3. Lisa’s making pancakes this morning.
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  1. A relaxing day today, with a movie in the cinema, among other things. Dune was a surprisingly good adaptation of the book, but a bad movie for people unfamiliar with the material.
  2. Electric cars.
  3. Someone close to me continuing a project I started but no longer can make much progress on.
  1. I got to walk in a forest with clusters of ladybugs
  2. An astounding sunset
  3. I got to check off a bunch of things from my to do list in a satisfying sequence
  1. Breakfast at my favourite cafe.
  2. A co-worker has written a script that turns a fiddly, ten-minute chore into a 30 second task. It’s a joy to use.
  3. Ginger biscuits.
  1. Love that I’m playing FFXIV with my wife. I take it for granted sometimes but it’s really nice and I shouldn’t forget that.
  2. Chill day at work today.
  3. Got my wife’s main Christmas present, the advent calendar, aaaall set up.
  1. I kept my commitment to go for a ride this afternoon
  2. I made it to the shipping office on time
  3. My daughter has decided to work on a big fear
  1. It’s been raining all day today, meaning that being home inside is cosy, and today I have no reason I need to leave the house.
  2. My cat believes that she has no reason to leave the blanket that I’ve placed for her next to my keyboard, so I’ve had company all day.
  3. I’ve found a forgotten USB stick that has a huge amount of free space on it.
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