- Lisa managed to get flour for the first time in two months! She has Plans.
- Pretty card from a friend.
- Set up something neat with Calibre so I can just send my books to my ereader without needing to find its cable.
- Finished a book today.
- Really productive day!
- The patch of eczema on my knuckles is starting to clear up.
- I finally bought the new work laptop I’ve been wanting a couple days ago!
- A good friend agreed to let me ship it to him instead of my apartment since shipping to my place is super sketch.
- I just made a list of the people who have been in my life over the years who I feel a profound sense of gratitude towards. And turns out there are quite a few! Seriously tempted to use Beeminder and/or TaskRatchet to commit to sending them all individual notes telling them…
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- I rediscovered Flowstate, this time for getting back into that train of thoughts I started writing down in my thesis but don’t 100% remember every part of the argument chain that is contained within there. If that makes sense. I
- New washing machine tomorrow to replace my broken one! Finally! After then exactly two weeks of ordering one in an online shop that promised a three to four days delivery.
- I’m meeting exciting people.
- Beeminder making me do things I procrastinate on.
A new Gratitude goal.
- Hot water bottles. There’s a cold snap here and having two hot water bottles warming the bed before I get in, then warming my feet and back all night is LOVELY.
- Showers. Soooo nice.
- There is cake!
- I’m chatting to some people I haven’t spoken to in a while again on a Habitica guild.
- I remembered in the absolute nick of time that I had a Taskratchet task about to go off, and through the wonder of the internet I actually managed to fulfil the task.
- Grilled cheese on toast.
- Grapes.
- Bananas.
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- Lisa and I got our bathroom and kitchen floors swept and mopped for the first time in a liiiittle too long.
- Lisa’s sorting through all our embroidery floss in order to put in an order for some colours we’re missing and have a good record of what we’ve got!
- I have a huge to-do list today, but I’m steaming through it at a good speed.
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Reading embroidery floss still makes me thing of an incredibly fancy dental floss
- Washing machine! Clean towels! Fresh clothes! Can’t wait to do laundry! (Never did I ever think I would say that but here we are)
- The washing machine people were so nice and carried my broken one up and the new one down into the basement despite the shop saying otherwise because of the rona.
- Having access to this very fabulous FabLab and its very nice expensive equipment
- Another huge to-do list and good progress. Thank you, brain, for days when we can manage that.
- Found the address of a penpal I lost touch with. I don’t know if I can still reach them via this address, but I’m gonna give it a try.
- Being part of an experiment is interesting.
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- The shirt I’m wearing today. I’ve had it since I was a teenager and it’s still going strong. it doesn’t get much use but it has long sleeves so it’s warm in autumn, but made of cotton so it’s never too hot.
- The several pairs of leggings that were bought to be gym pants but that migrated to being wear-constantly pants. I decided months back that changing pants to go to the gym after work put too much trivial inconvenience into my gym routine so I bought some long tunic-like shirts and haven’t worn jeans since. The leggings are comfortable and on cold days will transform into pyjamas with no effort at all.
- Thick woollen socks designed for use with bushwalking boots but perfect for wearing around the house in chilly weather. I’ve used the same two pairs for many years now and they are still showing no signs of holes.
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- Figured out how to make my office tidier!
- Pancakes for dinner!
- Tweets about weird and interesting things like a carved peapod that opens to reveal little wooden peas… which open to reveal little carved scenes.
- Flannelette sheets. They’re so much nicer than cotton in winter. They make the bed feel snuggly as soon as you get in.
- My Dyson stick vacuum cleaner. I hate large vacuum cleaners with a passion - probably because when I was a child I’d get in trouble for having a messy room every time my mother wanted to vacuum
- but the stick one is so convenient that I love it to bits.
- Dyson in Australia have a recycling program and you can send back your old vacuum cleaners with no postage cost.
- Tasty tap water! Especially tap water that was UV sterilised vs. chlorinated
- Modern Medicine.
- My awesome landlord who lends me his tools whenever I need them on super short notice.
- My roomba sucks! (It temporarily didn’t. Vacuum. It still performed its primary function, that is, moving stuff on the floor around and rescuing long forgotten socks from underneath the bed. Anyway, it’s working again perfectly, it was just a short hiccup)
- Public Transportation!
- Webradio!
- This Sudoku puzzle that has extra constraints loosely based on chess moves.
- Intention: a Firefox extension that lets me browse time wasting sites whenever I want but limits me to a certain amount of time each visit. It lets me choose to spend more time there if I want to once the initial time has run out, but just the fact that there’s a timer is ensuring that I do what I went there to do and don’t spend more time than needed there.
- Chocolate.
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- I get a brain training app free with a subscription to another thing and I downloaded it because I usually like these sorts of games, and indeed I am having fun playing a game or two during my breaks.
- We got some neglected laundry done.
- Loaded nachos for dinner.
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- Tea, especially the smokey Lapsang Souchong.
- Netflix.
- Milk.
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- Biscuits. Especially the kind with filling where you can twist the two halves apart, eat the filling, then eat the biscuity part.
- I picked correctly in choosing a book for my mum. (Strange Practice by Vivian Shaw – a favourite of mine.)
- Friends who will tell me when I’m overextending myself.
- Iced VoVo bisbuits! The correct way to eat them is to chew off the thin outer strip of pure biscuit and then for the remainder you can focus on the tasty toppings.
- Lamingtons.
- This Doctor Who article: The Three Best Episodes for Every Modern Doctor. I pretty much agree with their choices and it was a nice reminder of some of the better moments.