Gratitude journaling together

  1. Lisa let me open the new variety pack of biscuits so I could have the jam-and-cream ones.
  2. I am going to read my new book almost all in one go, today, and no one can stop me.*
  3. I have a new habit of hoovering every day. Just a little, but every day (instead of the whole house every few days). The bit I’m grateful for: it has almost stopped the relentless march of little bits of the bunnies’ hay into every single room. (It’s pretty easy because we have a cordless Dyson hoover that works for about 20 min on full charge, max strength. But anyone can feel free to buy me a roomba to do it for me…)

*Except myself by not getting down to it.

  1. Seth MacFarlane’s movie A Million Ways to Die in the West. Funny!
  2. Avocado on toast.
  3. Syncthing for syncing files between computers and mobile devices. I absolutely love it. It’s very configurable and reliable.
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  1. I am doing really really well at not picking some scabs on my hands and I don’t know why but I am grateful for whichever bit of my brain has gone “OHHH that’s what you meant”.
  2. Calibre Companion. Gone are the days of having to figure out where I put the cable every time I want to put new books on my ereader.
  3. I will see my dad on Wednesday! (In a socially distanced way: he will be in our garden, mostly dealing with the weeds we couldn’t burn or pull up ourselves.)
  1. My new clearly delineated work hours might make things better? It feels good today at least.
  2. I’m enthused to start reading a book for a book club – my fingers have been itching to pick it up all day. (The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, by Taylor Jenkins Reid. It sounds so satisfyingly gossipy and apparently that’s what I feel like reading right now!)
  3. Whatever is still keeping me from picking, wow brain you’re doing good.
  1. There was a bracing wind this morning. I like windy days.
  2. Tonight is cold enough for a pile of blankets and hot water bottles.
  3. I put off doing something non-essential because it was more important to end the day and get ready for bed.
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  • My piano pupils who try so hard in their online lessons, and their supportive parents
  • Finding half a loaf of home-baked bread in the freezer
  • The bounty of nature: homemade elderflower cordial
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  1. It rained all night, so the temperatures are very cool and the air feels soft.
  2. I will see my dad today!
  3. Great British Sewing Bee on tonight!
  1. The sun! Our future would look pretty dim without it.
  2. Oxygen! I prefer my oxygen consuming self over a bunch of carbon dioxide munching bacteria
  3. Water! I drank 3 litres of the stuff yesterday and it is one of my favourite things to diss my fellow Americans with (and that in itself is a pastime activity that never gets old) (Also: hi Americans! :wave: We love you!)
  1. Using the residual heat in my overnight hot water bottles to warm my clothes while I’m showering. (Why did I not think of this many winters ago?)
  2. Queensland winters never being cold enough that it doesn’t actually hurt if you don’t use artificial warming.
  3. The potato chips (“fries”) that Jeremy makes. Crunch and tasty!
  1. Beeminder’s feature that lets you delete goals immediately in the first week. Yesterday I had a “BRILLIANT IDEA!!!” for three new goals and created of them. Today I hated them.
  2. Puzzle Aquarium Android game. Solve puzzles, earn gold, buy pretty fish. A fun way to unwind.
  3. Linux. It’s always a pleasure to use.

The whole idea behind the goals, or the implementation? curious

  1. The weather is still nice and cool. I can be out in a t-shirt, but I get a little bit chilly if I’m not doing anything. My preferred weather.
  2. My dad is here again, because our garden had turned into a small wilderness.
  3. I felt like writing, so I shuffled my plans for the day and did it. Yay (in this instance at least) for being self-employed.

Implementation probably. The random task selection that I mentioned here has been working very well for me except that I often just don’t bother using the strategy. These goals were designed to force me to spend a certain amount of time on randomly-selected tasks in the morning, afternoon, and evening, but it meant that I was tracking time in Beeminder for work that I was sometimes also tracking time elsewhere (e.g., my IRL work timesheets) so that felt excessive and confusing.

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  1. Boiled eggs. They’re one of my favourite foods.
  2. The lampshade in my bedroom is the same one I had when I was a child. It has Wombles on it and I love it. :smiley:
  3. Jumping jacks. They’re a convenient way to bump up my aerobic exercise time when I need to do only a couple of minutes to meet my goal.

Now to the important question: soft boiled or hard boiled?

re: jumping jacks: They are great! Also great are leg raises, especially late at night because they are very quiet in contrast to jumping jacks. And they train the lower back. Actually quite a lot as I discovered.

A Beeminder user who now works at an insurance company sent me a continuous blood glucose monitor (CGM), which, let me start a separate thread about that but it has brought me out of retirement for gratitude journal entries:

  1. Holy cow is not having diabetes amazing. Recommended! Also for those who do have diabetes, holy cow must CGMs be amazing!

  2. @adamwolf and @bee are amazing, figuring out all this crazy database stuff today that is so far beyond me.

  3. And @shanaqui and @justanotherjon and @mary and @bee keeping support humming along with me hardly ever having to touch it these days. (I had to do a bunch last night due to breaking things, long story, and it drove home what a huge amount of work is normally happening every day without me having to think about it at all. :heart_eyes:)

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  1. The little patio rose that grew after my dad accidentally set light to the conifer and we chopped it all down. Photo of it being all lil’ and cute on Twitter. (Actually I’m grateful in general for this conifer being gone. Big pain in the butt.)
  2. Taking care of my loved ones and having them take care of me.
  3. I had a couple of days where I actually met my reading goal and just read all day and it was good.
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Both hard boiled and soft are good but soft is my favourite. I also love egg and breadcrumbs, which is where you crumble a piece of bread into roughly crouton-sized pieces and mix a very soft-boiled egg into it.

Which variety of leg raises do you do? Are they good as an aerobic exercise? I wouldn’t have thought of that!

  1. Currawongs, an Australian bird with a distinctive call. There’s some living around my place now, which is relatively new. When I was a child, I only ever heard them in the bush when I went camping with my mother, and I associate their call with happy memories so it’s lovely to hear them here now.
  2. Butcherbirds, another Australian bird with a beautiful singing voice. They’re common throughout the city I live in and have been for a long time, and they’re my favourite bird. They’re intelligent and friendly, and love catching small pieces of cheese out of the air.
  3. Australian magpies, which are related to Butcherbirds and different than European magpies. Also common here and handsome as heck!

Yes! Soft boiled eggs are love <3

Gotta try that! I also love combining eggs and bread: Take a slice of rye bread, butter on top, and a semi soft boiled egg on it, little bit of salt and you got a wonderful start into the day. Like this (but I use a different type of bread):

Also: scrambled eggs with nori, the Japanese seaweed, crumbled into it is also great. Gives it a lot of depth (and nori got crazy amounts of protein and other good stuff).