Gratitude journaling together

There’s different kinds? :sweat_smile: I just lay on my back and raise my legs all the way up and first my abs say hi and then shortly after my lower back also says hi. They start out really innocent but they are surprisingly intense, I found. It’s probably not a very cardio exercise, no, I don’t think so. It mobilises muscle groups more than your cardiovascular system. But I like them! Definitely a lot more than crunches.
I used to do this 7-minute workout for cardio. But I stopped after about a year and now I ride my bicycle around a lot (comparatively) which is, I think, even better for cardio.

Also, entries!

  1. German bread in all its forms and shapes
  2. European / Eurasian magpies A friend and me once rescued one that was laying on the ground, unable to fly and a cat was on its way to have a late night dinner. I carried it to an animal clinic and it recovered :slight_smile: These are amazing birds and incredibly pretty.
  3. Rotkehlchen

  1. Chatting about an author & book I love with @alys!
  2. My site seems to be back up without too much effort on my part?? Whew.
  3. I got to buy someone a subscription to Fiyah Magazine, and I gave away a couple of Steam keys. I love doing that kind of thing.
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  1. I started my day by reading, which hasn’t happened in a while.
  2. I feel like I can start getting a handle on things, today, so that’s a good feeling.
  3. I realised (or, really, remembered) that beeminding something means that I can fail at it and get back on the wagon, instead of feeling like failing is failing forever. So I bought myself an extra book despite the experiment, because I felt cruddy and it made me feel better. And that’s okay! The whole experiment hasn’t failed because of it!
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  1. This interesting article: Digital games may beat mindfulness apps at relieving stress, new study shows
  2. This useful service for assistance with online meetings (and “all profits… will be going towards paying for the purchase and installation of renewable technologies” at their establishment).
  3. KJ Charles, a fantasy author I’ve discovered thanks to shanaqui.
  1. Terrible Maps. Their maps are truly terrible. I love them to bits.
  2. A clean kitchen at the end of the night, all ready for an orderly breakfast.
  3. The way my cat, when she’s hungry, stares at me and does this cute little thing with her lips where she licks them and smacks them together.
  1. A few days ago when I went for my walk at night, the full moon was rising ahead of me, huge and bright on the horizon.
  2. I love pictures that show the immensity of space, such as this comparison of star sizes.
  3. And from the comments there, by DamnedAustin: “For the mathematically inclined, this means that Antares has a mass equal or greater than 76 bananas.”
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  1. I just got approved for an ARC of Alexis Hall’s Boyfriend Material a month before release date, nyahahaha.
  2. Having Libby on my ereader remains the most useful thing ever.
  3. My library keep buying the ebooks I recommend and I have more holds than I know what to do with. Is a good thing.
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Alternative Relativity Conspiracy?
Association of Restless Carnivores?
Assortment of Rotten Cauliflowers?
Amalgamation of Ravaging Chickens?
Anticipated Reading Celebration?
Advanced Reading Ceremony?
Au jus Ravioli Cooking?

Advance Reading Copy. :slight_smile: I get quite a lot of them due to being a well-established book-blogger.

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  1. Jeremy cooked home-made sausage rolls for our dinner.
  2. It rained today!
  3. I have FINALLY realised that the sun which shines directly into my eyes in the afternoon when I’m on my favourite couch can be easily handled by hanging a towel from the top of the offending window. I have cancelled my long-procrastinated plans to put up curtains.
  1. I’m keeping to my schedule today! I keep saying this, but today I think I really am back on track. I’ll admit that I have no idea what will happen.
  2. Sewing Bee tonight. I’m almost over my annoyance about the “double garment of the week” award two weeks ago, and three people I like are still in the running… (I’m ambivalent to one of the others and actively dislike the work of the fifth.)
  3. Following my dad around the garden being taught about dog roses* and blackspot and how to use a billhook. I wish I could get a hug, but honestly following him around the garden is a more familiar mode for us.

* I am however fairly sure that what he is calling a dog rose is some other variant of wild rose, not Rosa canina, but he’s being colloquial.

  1. Reepicheep <3
  2. The final book of S. A. Chakraborty’s Daevabad Trilogy has been released!
  3. Slices of apple with cinnamon and honey.
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  1. A commission my friend is doing is nearly finished and it’s so cuuute.
  2. All the scabs on my hands have healed up and I didn’t pick a single one, not even once.
  3. It’s raining, so I don’t have to water the plants. Ha.
  1. What We Do in the Shadows - one of my favourite movies! A vampire mockumentary by Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi.
  2. What We Do in the Shadows (TV series) - a worthy successor.
  3. Cheese and tomato in pita bread, microwaved till the cheese melts.
  1. The aforementioned commission from a friend.
  2. It’s cold enough to do cosy things like put my feet on the radiator and wear my grey stripey shirt.
  3. I got brave today and started the process of changing my name everywhere. Technically it’s my nickname (the name I was born with stays the same) and it’s only the spelling… but I’m still hopeful that it will help my overall comfort a lot.
  1. An Australian mountain range named after a violent racist king is being renamed.
  2. TaskRatchet - very useful for making sure I do one or two important tasks each day.
  3. Vegemite.

Oh, I wrote a list yesterday and never posted it. Here it is…

  1. I finally got the review of my new ereader written. (Thanks, Taskratchet!)
  2. Brief chat with a friend today (from 2m away).
  3. Laughing at a book with silly conclusions.
  1. The Study Bunny focus timer that shanaqui introduced me to. It is adorably lovely. You earn gold from blocks of time spent working and can spend the gold to jazz up your bunny avatar. Here is my current avatar scene. In the app, the fire is animated and it is warming and welcoming!
  2. This useful analogy to explain why you should wear masks, from Cantras in Habitica: "Masks = deodorant. You don’t wear deodorant to protect yourself from your smell. You wear deodorant to protect others from your smell. Not wearing a mask should be seen like not wearing deodorant."
  3. My morning routine, an important part of which is not reading emails, messages, social media, etc until after all my start-of-day non-computer actions are finished. I began this when I finally got sick of my mornings being chaotic due to me jumping online too soon. It’s been working well for a few weeks. Earlier this week I decided to experiment with ONLY reading messages on my phone before getting out of bed (i.e., letting myself lie in the warmth while still being “productive”) and not letting myself do anything else on a computer until the end of the routine. I immediately broke that rule when I discovered something in a message that I just HAD to action immediately (althogh tbh it really wasn’t that urgent). Chaos ensued. I’m back to the strict routine now and much preferring it.

So today’s stuff:

  1. I picked up a book from my shelves (thanks to my shelf-browsing goal on Beeminder!) that makes me want to read it immediately. (Chris Beckett’s Beneath the World, a Sea, if you’re curious!)
  2. Friends and family seem wildly enthused about my name change? I guess it was more obvious to them than to me that I wasn’t happy?
  3. I have the cutest new postcards to send for Postcrossing!
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  1. I’m getting some new KnockKnock post-its. (Not these ones, but that’s the style!)
  2. It’s grim doing sometimes, but I am glad I have an MP who is supposed to represent my views, and I kind of enjoyed writing him a stern letter he will not be able to answer with a copy/paste.
  3. I have private health insurance. I deeply love the NHS, but it’s faltering in some ways at the moment and I’m relieved I have this backup.
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