Gratitude journaling together

  1. We have some hot cross buns left.
  2. Monday is a public holiday so I’m on a three-day break now.
  3. Jeremy doesn’t mind if I don’t do the washing up for days (he does all the cooking, so the washing up is mine).
  1. Lisa couldn’t find any hot cross buns, so got me fruit teacakes instead to hit a similar spot. Toasted teacakes with lots of butter on, nom.
  2. Lisa cleaned the bunnies out for me because I cut my finger.
  3. Weekend!
  1. A stick insect in the garden.
  2. A cup of tea at my favourite cafe.
  3. This Nature Timespiral showing the Big Bang to the present day.
  1. Sunday is a day off too!
  2. Feeling up to participating in a thing I had been feeling quite burned out on.
  3. My mum gave me some advice about handling a skin infection that hadn’t occurred to me. (She’s a doctor, don’t worry; I don’t need any other advice.)
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  1. Standing in the sun when I’m cold.
  2. A pleasant few hours on a couch outside messing around with Tasker on my phone.
  3. The post from @philip in the “TaskRatchet integration confusion” thread! I was feeling bad about not being able to better communicate with that user so I’m impressed and happy that Philip thought to click through to their profile to find their language.
  1. Lisa will go make my doctor’s appointment for me in the morning. (I’m barely functional before 9am at the best of times.)
  2. I should manage to get my hair cut this week.
  3. I am pretty well in control of my anxiety/able to self-soothe.
  1. A flock of ducks in the park.
  2. For a few days now, I’ve had “email houseplants” on my todo list, from being distracted while writing a reminder to water them. It amuses me every time I see it.
  3. The Palo Alto company has been using meddler-in-the-middle as a new name for man-in-the-middle attacks. I love it because it better describes the attack as well as being ungendered.
  1. sky is blue
  2. i’m alive
  3. the green grass under the sun
  1. Got some gelato with the last grocery order.
  2. Finally got my desk cleaned up enough that I can see the top of it.
  3. My coworkers all turned their paperwork in on time last week and it’s filled out with all the information I need so that I don’t have to make a ton of phone calls this week.
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  1. I saw a Rainbow Lorikeet on a low branch, clearly visible.
  2. A work task that I thought I wouldn’t have enough time to do turned out to be not needed at all.
  3. Beans in chilli sauce for lunch.
  1. Hair cut today!
  2. We got Hulk a vet appointment for today with no trouble.
  3. My GP put through an urgent referral to the clinic for me without any further tests. (I don’t want to talk about this one; for now, I’m fine, and we’ll see how it goes.)
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  1. My haircut feels great.
  2. Hulk’s got a clean bill of health apart from a slight bacterial infection in her nose.
  3. Dad gave us some advice on a practical thing.
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  1. Strawberries for breakfast.
  2. Jeremy bought fish and chips for our dinner.
  3. Watching our cat begging and screaming for fish (she did get her fair share once it was cooled).
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  1. A tasty mushroom dish for lunch.
  2. Relaxing after work with some comedy shows with Jeremy.
  3. A possum snatching slices of apple from my hand.
  1. Had a catchup meeting with the Postcrossing team; it was good to chat together.
  2. I have some rugby postcards to send. Always nice to be able to send things that reflect my interests.
  3. New season of Sewing Bee. We haven’t watched the full new episode yet… we’re parceling it out.
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  1. Sven for instigating skiing
  2. Sven’s friends for letting us sleep overnight at their place
  3. Being reminded about a new old option for a mattress
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  1. Got six lines on my Litsy bingo card, which really helped prompt me to read some of the books on my backlog.
  2. Hulk Bun’s nasal infection is looking a lot better.
  3. Friends reminding me how great I’m doing with my current anxiety-causing situation.
  1. A handsome huntsman spider in the laundry tub.
  2. Pride and Prejudice. I’ve loved that story for years.
  3. The Jane Austen’s Dragons series by Maria Grace. It’s a retelling of Pride and Prejudice with dragons!
  1. I wasn’t sure about trying again with a goal pushing me to read more books, but my 2022reading goal has actually been working really well. For now it seems to be a positive!
  2. Rereading K.J. Charles’ The Magpie Lord, and grateful for all the stuff she provides free.
  3. Lisa mostly makes the bed on their own after we wash the sheets, because a) I don’t understand how their weighted blanket cover goes on, and b) for some reason I have extremely weak grip in my hands and have difficult doing it.
  1. I’m getting better at push-ups.
  2. I’ve been rewatching The Orville with Jeremy. I’d forgotten how much I love that show.
  3. The gorgeous and adorable depiction of the Egyptian hippo goddess Taweret in Moon Knight - photo, photo, photo.
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