Gratitude journaling together

  1. So many new books.
  2. A post from a friend on their blog showing all the tempting books coming out in October. There’s always more books!
  3. My reMarkable makes reading scientific papers much easier.
  1. Next day delivery on something really useful.
  2. I reached out to my department instead of my main university and they were super helpful. And speedy!
  3. Not too many chores today.
  1. Jeremy managed to open a window that’s been stuck closed for years.
  2. Jeremy has started sanding and repainting the pantry.
  3. We have a vaccuum cleaner that attaches to the sander for sucking up the sanding dust immediately.
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  1. Hulk decided to hang out with me for about half an hour this morning. She just sat on the back of my chair and watched what I was doing, or stared off into the distance thinking bunny thoughts.
  2. Set up a book cart! My books are all so neat and tidy and tempting.
  3. Thea Gilmore has a new EP out! I’ve probably mentioned here before but I’ve listened to her music since I was fifteen. It was and continues to be formative. She’s great.
  1. Once in a while, one can have ginger snaps for breakfast.
  2. We have a mega chore list, but I divvied them up and it’s not so bad when we look at it like that.
  3. Other than chores, it’ll be a quiet weekend.
  1. Breakfast at a cafe.
  2. I was still full at lunchtime and said no when Jeremy asked if I wanted anything to eat. I regretted that later in the day and then discovered he’d left a home-made burger for me in the fridge.
  3. We did a fair bit of gardening today.
  1. The music from FFXIV is just so good. Currently stuck in my head is Return to Oblivion, which is partially a remix/reprise of a song from very early in the game’s storyline. The stuff the FFXIV team do with leitmotifs and recurring themes and reflections of earlier songs is just amazing. And then there’s this banger.
  2. I’ve managed to keep up with the studying timetable I set. Oof.
  3. The bunnies were fighting a bit yesterday, but they seem to have made up today.
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  1. The Ukraine government’s Twitter presence. E.g. 1, 2.
  2. Miso-braised cabbage for dinner.
  3. I met Jeremy’s sister’s new dog. He’s shy but lovely.
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  1. Some broken code was easy and fun to fix.
  2. At work, I have been assigned to a project that will be starting soon and will give me opportunity to set up everything it needs in an ordered, future-proof way, which is the kind of thing I enjoy.
  3. Butcherbirds singing sweetly.
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  1. Lisa posted my letter to my grandma for me. It’d been waiting for a few days, oops.
  2. This week’s studying timetable is looking a lot less intense.
  3. Kindle Unlimited has so many of the British Library Crime Classics available! I own most of them, but this allows me to grab them to read on the go/in the bath, without risking damaging the physical copy.
  1. Finished this week’s allocation of work on healthcare-associated infections today! Now if I can do this week’s section of viral infections tomorrow and Thursday, maybe then I can use Friday to get ahead a little bit, and avoid studying over the weekend.
  2. A newer workerbee jumping in to help me fix the inbox when it was a little full.
  3. Last night I finished stuff on time and got to spend a while just hanging out with the bunnies while reading.
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  1. These magpies play-fighting like kittens.
  2. The song Enemy and how clever it is with its word choices and rhythmic patterns.
  3. I’ve just finished “Fletch and the Widow Bradley” by Gregory Mcdonald and I loved the twist/resolution. I did not see it coming!
  1. Pantry painting proceeds.
  2. A woman and her son walking past my place noticed a lizard that had gotten himself stuck in the fence, and she and I managed to get him free. He ran off unhurt.
  3. A small success at work.
  1. Kindle Unlimited means I can read things on impulse for free. Like a history of sheep!
  2. Biscuit’s looking all cute and sleepy.
  3. Some more ginger snaps!
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  1. This particular bar of Dairy Milk Whole Nut contains a lot of hazelnuts.
  2. Lisa doesn’t mind that I have the kind of brain that likes to listen to the same song over and over. They do the same.
  3. We’ve got the same song in our heads so we can just listen to the same thing together happily. (In the Balance, a song from FFXIV.)
  1. I can sleep in tomorrow.
  2. A possum with an injured leg that I found in the garden two days ago is already well enough to be released.
  3. She did the BIGGEST pee on Jeremy’s bed. It was hilarious. :laughing:
  1. Fireworks in the neighbourhood.
  2. The recently-unblocked kitchen window was in a perfect position for me to stick my head out to see the fireworks.
  3. Jeremy is going to a masquerade party and so is dressed as a Jedi.
  1. A delivery person passed a small package to me through my window so I didn’t even have to get off my chair.
  2. This tweet about people who were “gifted & talented” in school makes me feel seen.
  3. “… A spider weaves a pattern older than mammals…” – CryptoNature
  • @malcolm who sent me Complice stickers in a cute letter
  • @alys who helped me with my sleep early goal
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  1. A lovely avocado.
  2. A small surprise present from Jeremy.
  3. I’ve found a game that’s addictive but each round takes only 3 minutes, so it’s working as an incentive for staying on-task: “I can play ONE round and then I must start an important task instead of wasting more time”.