I have some freebee goals I’d like to make $1 goals. Is there any way to do this?
There doesn’t seem to be any way to do this now - it looks like I have to just recreate them with a $1 starting pledge.
I have some freebee goals I’d like to make $1 goals. Is there any way to do this?
There doesn’t seem to be any way to do this now - it looks like I have to just recreate them with a $1 starting pledge.
Ah, at first I thought this was a very serious bug report, since we intend for it to be easy for anyone to step up from $0. But I think the issue in your case must be that your goals are on the original pledge schedule and so you only have the option to step up to $5, not $1. Is that right?
Oh so that’s why you moved it to Bugabee!
Correct, I only have the option to step up to $5.