Metaminding Fitbit bug

Hi, it’s hard to metamind steps or workouts or water on Fitbit because Fitbit will be like “Yes hello it is 3am and I believe you have entered 0” and I have not entered anything. And metaminding thinks 0 is a valid entry, which it is for some things, but probably shouldn’t be for autodata.


Hmm… yeah… I’m not sure what the right answer is there. Maybe metaminding should filter out zeros? But sometimes you actually do want them, so then we’re looking at something like an option to filter out zeros? (but settings:nauseated_face:). Or maybe the thing is that fitbit shouldn’t enter zeros? except if you don’t report any calories, or steps, or whatever to them, then “0” is kind of a reasonable assumption to take…?


What are we trying to metamind when we metamind a fitbit autodata goal?

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Having done anything at all towards the goal (by a deadline)

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