February Conclusion
This has been through all the stages of Beeminder. Something like…
- I hate it
- It’s making me do stuff!
- It’s magic, I’m a superhero and can do all the things!
- Quick make more goals so I can be the superhero of everything.
- Aargh, I still have to do things, I hate it.
- Oh, things are done and it’s not so bad really.
- Best keep going.
I’m miles ahead of the line and it’s still working. It’s basically a “do the washing up before going to bed” goal but that’s fine and ending the evening with your hands in a bowl of warm water is strangely relaxing. I left it last night by mistake and washing up this morning reinforced to me that all time is not created equal. In the evening I would have taken five more minutes to sweep the floor or clean off the hob, in the morning there’s no chance of me doing extra stuff.
So I’m definitely keeping the goal for a while yet.
The extra goal I created mid-month when I was in “superhero of everything” mode is very much a love/hate thing. I love having a clean bathroom, I hate making myself clean it. I think it’s gradually getting a bit less arduous and it’s already saved me a major panic when someone was coming to the house so that’s a good thing. I’m sticking with this extra goal too; I badly want to throw the goal out but it definitely works.
January Followup
I’ve turned the rate down on my journalling goal as I was starting to turn in some garbage entries but overall I still think this is a useful goal and I’m starting to find my own momentum with journalling.