I was inspired by this great comment of @adamwolf’s:
I would love to have this, but I have had trouble getting Beeminder to do this for me, so I thought I’d ask for some help, as well as writing this post in order to think it through and brainstorm in the process of writing it.
I have selected six major tasks that I have been procrastinating on for weeks or months now. I want to get 10 hours done on each of the six tasks in the next two weeks, or finish the task if it can be done in less than 10 hours. (This is my “day job,” and there isn’t much else I have to do, so doing 60 hours of work in two weeks is very reasonable.)
I tend to work best in small units, and I have a really hard time getting started, but once I get started I usually keep going for a while.
It is now the evening of Wed Apr 29, so my goal is to get the 60 hours in by the end of the (calendar) day on Wed May 13.
60 hours is 240 quarter-hours, so I’m thinking of making a paper chart with 240 boxes to check off, and adding a ninth Beeminder goal for this project.
Maybe it should be a whittle-down goal for the 240 units?
I’m going to call it proj240.
I’m going to make the pledge large enough so it really motivates me - $810 should be good.
I’m also thinking of making use of @alys’s suggestion:
So I’m going to take 240 slips of paper, write each goal on 40 of them, and pull one randomly - except that two of the goals are more critical than the others, so I’m going to divide the 240 slips of paper into three groups:
- group 1: 40 for goal 1, 10 for goal 2, 5 each for goals 3-6 [total 70]
- group 2: 30 for goal 2, 5 each for goals 3-6 [total 50]
- group 3: 30 each for goals 3-6 [total 120]
I’ll start with group 1 and randomly select a piece of paper until group 1 is done, and then move on to group 2, and then group 3.
I’m also thinking about making use of @narthur’s Task Ratchet for my mini-pomodoros on a daily basis - it’s great for that.
So, all you lovely productivity gurus and hackers - thoughts on how to set this up? Is a whittle-down goal good? Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated!!!