I decided rather than emailing Chelsea I’d try the hivemind on this one, just in case:
Earlier this year I tried Draft integration but archived the goal when the every-word-counted method didn’t quite work. With this in mind I’ve now set up a new Draft goal (different slug and all), but the previous numbers are showing up, making the derail date 45 days in the future and generally confusing things. Any ideas about how I can start from zero or completely separate the goals from each other?
FWIW, I delinked the accounts, emptied Draft, and relinked them to no avail, and although I have no need to preserve the previous counts, I hesitate to manually delete anything since I’ve screwed things up before by mixing manual and autodata business. I’ll try again tomorrow if needed, after Draft has been zeroed out for a day, but the inescapable autodata implies that this might only partially work, and then I’ll be off by a day for what I’m hoping will be a long-term month-centric goal.
Edit: I might see if I can do this with a clean slate using Dropbox and IFTTT, but any ideas still welcome – I’ll stick with Draft if I can make it work.