Makes sense - here’s what I’d want to see in an app:
- Available for android
- home-screen widget that makes it easy to create a task with minimal taps - I want to be able to tap the widget, enter the task description, tap enter, and have it created with sane, customizable defaults
- option for quick and easy multi-task entry - enter description, tap enter, enter description, tap enter, etc.
- there should not be separate fields for task name and task description - that’s just redundant - but there could be an optional “fine print” field
- the home-screen widget should also make it easy to see upcoming tasks due and sort by deadline or pledge amount
- customizable color-coding for deadlines, so I could set, say, red = due in next 6 hours, orange = due in next day, blue = due in next 2 days
- ability to freely customize deadline to the hour and minute
- a simple and easy way to select the time and date of deadline with a few taps
- ability to freely choose pledge amount
- if you don’t do the task, option for auto-rollover to a customized period of time (e.g., 48 hours later)
- persistent notification so that the app is able to alert me exactly when it should, even if it’s on powersave or the screen is off
- customizable notifications by vibrating, sound, text message, email, or screen popup that can be configured X, Y, and Z hours before deadline for each task, as well as global notifications at specific times of day T1, T2, T3 for all upcoming deadlines in the next D days
- there should be an option to allow screen popup even when screen is off
- ability to upload or batch-enter a long list of tasks
- option to require proof that task has been completed, BAAS-style