The Glorious November by aard

I'm having a blast with my running goal.

This feels very good. I feel like I’m coming to a brighter place.

Now feels like a right time to take better care of my mental health. For December, that’ll be my focus. (PSA: These are coming on top of psychotherapy, not instead.)

Getting/staying in touch with myself

I’ll be vague for a second: I’d like to be more in touch with my deeper desires and stronger feelings. I tend to get lost in the day and lose touch with myself.

I’ll start with measuring a few things to see if I can counteract this. These will be “soft” commitments. I’ll watch how it goes until the first derail. And I’ll be very easy on myself if I let these go after the first derail.

I’ve created 3 goals:

  • Gratitude journaling. Add one 1 thing you’re grateful about in the forum thread.
  • Morning pages. Set aside 30 minutes to write down “morning pages” (This is very experimental, following Julia Cameron’s ideas. I have checked out one of her books at a friend’s place and spotted interesting things.)
    • I’m also planning to add a Toggl goal for this.
  • Note 1 core negative belief a day. Not to cancel the gratitude journalling… but I do have strong core negative beliefs that I’d like to work on. First step is spotting them. I have 3 reminders throughout the day. When they go off, I scan back and add a datapoint if I spot such a belief. If by the last notification I have not done so, I add an empty datapoint.

So that’s 3 goals. I have a lot of goals again. I’ll be careful if I want to add another goal until 2023. I’ve also reduced my commitment to post here to 1/week instead of 2/week.