The Glorious November by aard

The closest thing that feels like the root is an attitude. One that brings negative emotions to me: approaching them as “difficulties.” It’s much nicer when I approach things as “exciting unknowns”, “things to learn about”, etc. but I find this difficult with Leetcode.

  • /running-sessions, $5 → $5
    • I didn’t plan well and found myself in a situation I was home around 23:30 after a long day and had to run :frowning: I didn’t. I considered it my “gym membership cost.”

Although I’ve said I’ll be careful with creating goals, I realised I’m not reluctant to create “effortless” goals. Here’s a new one.

Weaning off caffeine

I want to experience what caffeine does to a body that’s not used to it. I will eventually wean off of it.

I’m starting with a modest decrease in cups of coffee/day:
