User Script: Open All or [Color] Goals in New Tabs / Windows

A user script that adds some links to the top of the dashboard to make opening all your goals, or just goals of a specific color, very easy. I’ve only tested this on Chrome with Tampermonkey. The script is also on GitHub if you’d like to fork it or file an issue.

Beeminder Open Tabs

(Thanks for the great idea, @matti and @shanaqui!)


Thanks! One script more that I don’t need to write myself. :wink:

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It looks great! It does however prevent me expanding my goals to add data on my dashboard, though… :thinking:


Right, that should be fixed now. Can you try reinstalling the script?

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You’re a star! That’s working. <3 That’s for fixing it so speedily.

(It already saved my life last night – I got to a total state of overwhelm, and somehow what worked was click open everything! enter data methodically, close the tab, until all tabs are closed. Suddenly, all up to date. And nothing was missing due to misclicks so it was aaaall done in one go. Magic.)


I haven’t tried this user script yet but a possibly related trick I use is to expand the goals I need to deal with on my dashboard. The dashboard remembers the expanded/collapsed state so I can, for example, expand all my goals that have less than a week or 2 weeks of safety buffer, and click through to them one at a time to schedule breaks or whatnot, collapsing them again when done. That makes for a nice checklist of goals to go through.