In the Dec 27 daily beemail, along with gathering Todoist beta testers, I asked for the currently most annoying bug from your personal perspective (or from a newbee perspective, in case anyone’s home for the holidays and telling your relatives about Beeminder or something).
In that poll I said to pick only the single most annoying, but before giving the results I’ll repeat the poll here, including all the write-in options people gave, and let you pick as many as you think we should prioritize:
- The idiotic rounding [PARTIAL FIX]
- Randomly missing graph thumbnails on dashboard
- Graphs taking forever to generate sometimes [PROGRESS?]
- Everything going wrong when you try to restart a goal
- Not showing HH:MM:SS format [FIXED]
- Fine print not publicly visible [FIXED-ISH]
- Focus going to wrong goal when entering data in rapid succession in dashboard [FIXED]
- Dashboard forgetting every few days that you toggled off countdowns on dashboard [FIXED?]
- Having to refresh several times to see tab contents (datapoints, settings, etc)
- Difficulty of changing settings for multiple goals at once, eg, when scheduling breaks
- Reverting to deadline order in dashboard on reload (and that a single click on “goal” does reverse alphabetical sorting) [JUST ONE CLICK NOW]
- Lack of means to organize and filter goals (want tags, hierarchies, snoozing, muting of goals) [POSTPONED]
- No undo button for the road editor, and no snooze or uncle button for zeno notifications
- Missing graph images in iPhone app [SAME ISSUE AS ON WEBSITE]
- General lack of prettiness
- Colors are all wrong
- Lack of documentation [ON IT]
- Having to bug support for non-legit derails [BY DESIGN!]
0 voters
Results from Beemail
In the original beemail straw poll – which only had the first 6 choices, shown in bold above – I got 44 answers. A full 21 of them were “graphs taking forever”, with some added comments like “not sometimes, all the time” and “especially with the road editor”.
No other complaint came remotely close.
Idiotic rounding was runner up with 5 votes if I count @adamwolf’s plea for integeriness (the right solution to this will solve both!).
Goal restarting got 3 votes, with comments like “tried many times, gave up, track elsewhere now” and “insta-derail when restarting do-less autodata” so, as @chelsea’s been saying, this is a bonafide disaster.
The dashboard focus bug (for people who enter data on different goals in rapid succession) got 2 votes despite not even being on the list, so that’s a big deal too.
Everything else got picked exactly once, including all the new items I added to the poll above.
PS: There are a lot of other bugs we know about. The point of this post is mainly to collect the feedback from the daily beemail straw poll.