Small bugs in time-based values

I love the support for time-based values (e.g. “24 2:30” for 2.5 hours today) but I’ve noticed a few small problems with it:

  1. Recent Data doesn’t show days and won’t show hours more than 24 either, so 57:07:00 shows up as 09:07:00. (Values more than 24 might seem useless, but are actually very useful with an odometer goal.)
  2. In All Data and when I edit a datapoint, the values are shown as number of hours (with very long decimals, e.g. 57.11666666666667) instead of as times.
  3. Entering a negative time doesn’t work (which again, might sound useless, but is actually very useful in conjunction with Restarting Odometer to non-zero value).

Thanks so much for these bug reports! These should be 3 easy but important UVIs. #UVI

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