A measured invitation to the Beeminder Community Discord

Yup! It’s great. My only hesitation in promoting it is how great the forum also is and I hate to dilute that. I’d love to figure out how to better incentivize people to move things from the Discord to the forum for posterity. Here’s me doing so recently:

So maybe consider that the price of admission to the Discord: willingness to recap as forum posts interesting discussions or things you learn.

PS: Here are the current channels in the Discord:

Main channels

  1. #larvae: introductions; keep it brief, then move to #hive
  2. #hive: main; keep it beeminder/akrasia/productivity/etc-relevant
  3. #bumbling: random / off-topic
  4. #beemios: special channel for the iOS app
  5. #apiary: API and programming (like the Tech category in the forum)
  6. #pollen: polls (it’s funny if you speak german)

Obtuse/nerdtastic/rabbit-holey channels

  1. #meta: like the Meta category of the forum
  2. #busybees: pomodoro poker / co-working
  3. #birds: twitter feed
  4. #weightloss: self-explanatory
  5. #spellingbee: word games, especially bot-mediated ones
  6. #waggledance: announcements
  7. #botspam: for testing bots for the love of god mute this
  8. #starboard: experimental way to star/pin messages

Come to think of it, the #starboard channel was meant to help with the problem of remembering to move things to the forum. Emoji-react to something with a star and it gets auto-collected in #starboard and in theory we can beemind that to make sure everything starred gets moved eventually.