Android TagTime build or build instructions for latest update

Nope, @chrp asked for an outline for how to add an optional foreground service.


Lol. We can have the boolean preference setting say “Would you like the app to be functional or non-functional? Choose one.”

Thanks @adamwolf I’ll work on this, but I have limited availability myself so I can’t promise anything.

Anyway if I understand correctly, the service doesn’t need to do anything specific, it only needs to be started in foreground with a persistent notification and it will guarantee that TagTime will not be impacted by Doze. Is that correct?

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You are correct about everything except it guaranteeing to impact Doze. The official docs say it will prevent App Standby, which is a different power saver than Doze. Official Android OS developers have said in the past that it does impact Doze–but probably not on every phone.

It is the only thing I know of that apps can do that is even rumored to impact Doze.

There are ways to disable App Standby and doDe completely, not just “whitelist an app”, using adb. If one of us with sufficient available time is able to do each of those, and test the behavior methodically, we may be able to gain some additional insight to this problem.

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Really? That’s great! That should solve the problem… how do you disable them completely with adb?

adb shell dumpsys deviceidle disable

but it needs to be done every boot.

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That disables both? Is there any way to make it permanent?

I was wondering whether there was any progress on this issue since the last update in January?

I just bought a new Android phone and noticed this problem while having both phones in the same room: my old phone would chirp for a tagtime update but the new phone would be silent maybe 50% of the time. Even after switching to the app on the new phone, it often wouldn’t show the ping for a while (or until I closed the app and then re-opened it).

I’ve gone through the settings of the new phone and configured everything I can to keep tagtime running, but it still doesn’t always ping me (I also haven’t figured out the logic for when it will on won’t ping me; so far it seems essentially random).

I’m willing to help test solutions, although I have no special experience testing or developing Android apps. I’d really miss having (a reliable) tagtime on my phone.

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