Batch set relative x-min?

I just created a bunch of new goals, and went through setting my preferred relative x-min (3 months, in my case) for all of them. It was pretty slow going! Then I realized the lack of current data means that they’re all smooshed and will be for at least a couple months :confused: I lack the will to go back and clear the x-min, and then reset it again in a couple months, but that made me wonder: is there a page where I can update many of my goals’ x-mins, like I can with breaks and reminders?

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Previously users would use scripts using the official API to set the t-min to the date say weeks ago and run that script periodically.
See Year in review graph option - #2 by philip, which contains such a script, and How do I set the 'zoom' on my beeminder visualization to show 1-2 weeks max and not the entire time period?.

Then Beeminder added direct support for setting relative t-min dates on the webpage of a particular goal. As far as I know, there is no place on the website to set such as a default for new goals nor is there a way to set it across several goals all at once. Furthermore, having done that, the API can no longer be used to either get or set the t-min until the t-min is set on the website to a non-relative date, it seems.

There was a discussion in Discord about this at the time the feature was being implemented on the website. See Discord. A user suggested using ISO Date Durations to indicate the relative dates.