Beeminder not practical for inconsistent studying, solution?

Major bonus points to @cgamer1 for knowing about things like Beescheduler (and even bigger bonus points to @enolan for creating it!) but, especially for other newbees, I think we should first make sure the standard solution for plain old Beeminder isn’t enough.

Namely, you should start the goal with a week of safety buffer so that it’s ok to put in all 10 hours at the end of the week. More on that:

(Actually, I think that last link is subsumed by the first two. Hugely valuable for us to get questions about this kind of thing, btw! We really need to make all this more immediately obvious in the interface so you don’t have to read articles to understand it! :))

PS: If your reaction to this is “well, crap, I now see I should’ve started with a week of safety buffer but it’s too late now” then just email and point to this forum thread and we’ll just add it for you retroactively. Or if you really don’t want to email support (even though it’s super painless, we promise!) you could also schedule a week of flat spot in your yellow brick road (“Take A Break” in the Stop/Pause tab below the graph) and then you have to struggle through for another week but then you’ll have that week of safety buffer and from then on will have the flexibility to do the week’s work all on Friday or whenever works for you.