Gratitude journaling together

  1. Jeremy made a meatloaf with a honey glaze and it was one of the best things ever.
  2. This short Regency romance featuring a BEE :laughing:
  3. T2’s latest plastic bags inside their boxes of tea are made from plants and compostable.
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  1. Cat Sebastian has a new book designed to push all my buttons. A retired honorable highwayman! The son of a duke is in trouble! They must Do Crime For Great Justice and also they fall in love.
  2. I woke up naturally, which suggests we got to sleep at just the right time, and that is nice.
  3. There’s a lovely chilly breeze coming through my office window.
  1. “My” stamps and postcards from Guernsey Post actually arrived. I didn’t know they’d even been dispatched!
  2. Saturday! That means Mass Effect 2 and Final Fantasy XIV all day!
  3. You know, I’m really glad the Mass Effect remaster happened. I thought I knew these games inside out but there’s so many details I’ve forgotten, and it’s a delight to begin again.
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  1. Cold pizza for breakfast.
  2. Nice cool mornings. It’ll probably get sunny later, like yesterday, but with the morning so cool I can open the windows overnight and through the morning, and then close them once things get warmer.
  3. Spotify’s automatic playlists. Not always winners, but sometimes when I feel more adventurous or just need to set something going, it makes life so easy.
  1. The nice thing about betting on myself is that I usually win. Told myself I can buy some books that I want if I went through a backlog of 91 emails today. Did so. In some ways, I do enjoy being predictable.
  2. Lisa’s been hard at work on a skirt for me with the cutest fabric.
  3. It’s been a surprisingly stretch of time since anyone incorrectly referred to me as “she” or “her”.
  1. Alys suggested an app that seems quite useful: Tody.
  2. Got the laundry on, so we will have nice fresh towels this evening!
  3. New carpet-protector for under my chair arrived. Yay! The old one was starting to break up which made moving my chair quite annoying.
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  1. Great British Sewing Bee final tonight, should be fun.
  2. My skirt is nearly finished!
  3. My sister has had her first shot of the vaccine.
  1. Strawberries and cream with a liiittle bit of sugar on top.
  2. Should get my new glasses today.
  3. Listening to music while I work.
  1. Bacon-wrapped chicken for dinner.
  2. A nice chat with my hairdresser.
  3. Shorter hair.
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  1. My new glasses aren’t too different in shape so I’m not having too much difficulty getting used to them.
  2. We went to bed last night but I don’t feel too bad today.
  3. Someone has sent me a Guernsey Postcrossing postcard of “my” stamp, for real! It’s different to having the blank copies, it’s so nice to see the card (and stamp!) being really used.
  1. Some excellent news from a friend.
  2. Pet rabbits. I hear Stories and they are wonderful. :slight_smile:
  3. Jeremy made pigs in blankets for lunch.
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  1. Beeminder is so darned clever. TIL about the binary aggregation method for letting 0 count as 1.
  2. A flock of seagulls floating by the shore at high tide.
  3. Dinner with friends tonight.
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  1. My hippo skirt is finished and it’s very full and swishy.
  2. Fresh clean sheets on the bed! Always nice.
  3. Friends who are excited and supportive about things I do.
  1. It’s been a quiet day with no input from downstairs’ dog.
  2. Fun duty on FFXIV with a newer player.
  3. Feeling like just… reading. A lot. All day? A lot, at least.
  1. Managed to focus on stuff at work and get done earlier than I feared.
  2. Bellowhead released their “live” album from the lockdown performance they did.
  3. Schadenfreude is just too entertaining sometimes.
  1. Iron supplements. Hopefully they will make me feel better soon.
  2. Comfy bed. Getting into bed sounds so tempting right now.
  3. Lisa’s working really hard with me on staying on top of household chores.
  1. It’s nearly the end of therapy for me. Last session next week!
  2. A little rose that nearly died in our garden last summer got dug up and potted over the winter… but some part of it must have been missed, because the tiniest little rose is growing again in the same spot!
  3. Lisa’s managed to get the kitchen nice and tidy.
  1. Our wildflower meadow experiment seems to be working well and looks lovely.
  2. Booked my appointment for my second COVID shot today. Yay!
  3. I just went outside for some time in our garden and it was just peaceful. It’s been raining so there was rain on all the flowers and leaves and the air was very fresh, but it’s been stopped a while so there are birds around and things are perking up. One of the roses – a wild variety with big white flowers – has been throwing petals everywhere and is also still in full bloom itself. It was lovely.
  1. The British & Irish Lions game against Japan was fun, and ha, such a Welsh squad.
  2. Figuring out a way to view eARCs I receive as PDF in a way that’s a bit less eye-strainy. (I cropped the PDFs.)
  3. Getting chores done really makes the house feel nicer.
  1. Catching Venus in the sky just after sunset.
  2. Three butcherbirds turned up at the back steps for tiny cheese treats and sat within nose-bomp distance of me (they did not let their sharp little noses be bomped though).
  3. This cute comment about actor David Tennant:

you know a lot of actors find a particular niche to inhabit when it comes to their roles but you really gotta hand it to David Tennant for somehow landing the absurdly specific category of “immortals that rebelled against their oppressive and bureaucratic people because they accidentally became too fond of the human race and also have a quasi-telepathic bond with a vehicle.”

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