Gratitude journaling together

  1. Dinner with my parents tonight. My dad is making lasagne!
  2. I’m a little ahead where I need to be with studying.
  3. A friend bought me a book to cheer me up.
  1. The app that I use to track my sleep. Pretty inexpensive & no
    subscription but still being improved
  2. The air quality where I live is much better than it was last year
  3. So many of the things I do in life are much easier than they could be
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  1. An enormously busy day at work but there was enough time to finish everything critical.
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  1. Mary helped out a ton with emails today.
  2. It’s stupid but I really enjoy the outfit I’ve designed on FFXIV for my dragoon and bard classes. :joy: I love how much customisation the game allows.
  3. We saw a hedgehog in my parents’ garden last night.
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  1. I filled out a survey designed to assess mental health, and was grateful
    l for the many things I don’t suffer from
  2. I had a raspberry and blackberry-studded scone that was really good
  3. My daughter’s teacher seems very happy to have her in class.
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  1. It’s Friday!
  2. I have ordered myself a new shiny. It’s nice that I have enough income that it’s possible to shuffle things around and buy big things when necessary.
  3. My wife’s got a new job.
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  1. A magpie came and sat on the tree just outside my study window while I was working there.
  2. Avocados.
  3. I’m glad my work week is over.
  1. The male scrub turkey, Caesar, is back, after disappearing for a few months. He’s rebuilding his mound.
  2. Board games with friends.
  3. Friendly bus drivers.
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  1. My Focusmate partners today
  2. It was a great temperature for cycling today
  3. My neighbor’s cat visited today
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  1. Spent most of the day playing FFXIV with Lisa, getting our ARR relic weapons done. We managed to get all twelve Atma by the end of the day, so woooo go us.
  2. A day off. I needed that, a lot.
  3. Some new books purchased!
  1. Sometimes randomness is great. Today I edited my journal template script to make it insert a random prompt (currently from a sub-set of this list), and it was enjoyable, successful coding. After I’d finished the code, my first non-test random prompt was “What was the source of joy and pleasure for me recently?” So that was easy to answer. :slight_smile:
  2. Jeremy made burgers again. They are always tasty.
  3. T2’s New York Breakfast tea.
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  1. Enjoying a deep-dive into HIV in my course notes. Today I learned that the mRNA produced from the DNA of HIV actually needs to be spliced, like human DNA! Which makes sense, because it’s a human infection which uses our own cellular machinery, but I still think it’s incredibly cool. That’s how the HIV genome stays really small – its genes can overlap, because differential splicing can make different products. I’m so glad I’m doing this degree.
  2. Lisa’s listening to The Offspring, and told me about Bryan Holland, their lead singer. He’s also a scientist who wrote his thesis about HIV, and has published papers on microRNA and HIV.
  3. Me and Lisa used each other’s codes for the “Recruit a Friend” campaign on FFXIV, meaning we’ve now both been able to get the Twintania mount. :joy:
  1. A program that I’ve been helping to write at work has now been fully tested and is ready to be used.
  2. The magpie visited again today. He’s a very handsome bird.
  3. Jeremy made scrambled eggs for me even though he didn’t want any for himself.
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  1. Spotted a familiar face in my course’s forums – somebody who was doing the same modules I did last year. It’s nice to see some continuity, even though we don’t have much contact with one another.
  2. I got a review copy of Genevieve Cogman’s new book! I was specifically invited for it, in fact. I am very pleased; this is not a small publisher (though I am already auto-approved by their US arm, too).
  3. Today, Biscuit Bun learned to jump up into my lap. Hulk and Breakfast used to do it regularly, but Eclair and Biscuit never seemed that interested before (and Hulk is no longer allowed such freedom to roam, because she is a destructive monster). Anyway, Biscuit’s learned now, of her own accord, and I feel so loved because she is choosing come to me.
  1. Biscuit was delighted to see me and demonstrate that she remembers her trick today. She doesn’t want to hang out in my lap long, but still, she chooses to come over to the armchair and say hi.
  2. I have a new book about TB!
  3. Ginger beer really helps when I feel nauseated.
  1. Fine, gentle rain yesterday evening while I was walking.
  2. Heavy rain overnight!
  3. Jeremy has moved the scrub turkey mound to a less inconvenient place in the garden and astonishingly the male turkey has accepted this. He tried moving it back twice, but after Jeremy moved it the third time, he decided to put up with its new location.
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  1. At work I was chosen for the September “Quiet Achiever” award.
  2. My beloved team mates responded with exactly the level of support and admiration I expect from them. “I object! She’s not quiet at all!” :laughing:
  3. Banana chips for dinner. So tasty.
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  1. Doing silly threads about hep B on twitter probably helped me memorise the important bits.
  2. The one physical textbook my university provided this year is at least really helpful, and contains images from microscopy that will help me learn to read slides.
  3. Actually really enjoyed learning about hep B, about which I knew almost nothing this time yesterday.
  1. I’m visiting a friend and there’s a handsome black mystery hen loitering in the garden.
  2. Thunder rumbling gently in the distance on and off throughout the day.
  3. Staying up late on a Friday night, watching Archer and eating avocado dip.
  1. Thea Gilmore’s new albums are out! (Yes, plural! One under her old name, her 19th album, and one under her new name, Afterlight.) Check it out on Spotify. (CN: first track is spoken-word and is an intimate description of abuse. Afterlight has just divorced her husband and has been speaking out about his abusive control of her entire life since she was a 16 years old. He is 22 years older than her.) I very badly want her to maintain her long success with these two new albums.
  2. @adamwolf is the best and created me a spreadsheet for a thing that I wanted to calculate about my Beeminder goals.
  3. This post. It’s nice to feel that other Beeminder users have similar issues.
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