Gratitude journaling together

  1. Kids are back to school today.
  2. I have an appointment for my booster shot.
  3. The heated socks I got for Christmas are amazing.
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  1. Therapy session today produced insights & a document I can build on &
    refer to again
  2. Grateful for the sweets I had, and grateful that I’m now out of them
  3. I remembered to turn off my heater last night
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I still haven’t looked up what a scrub turkey is, but congratulations! :slight_smile:

  1. Was able to eat somebody else’s cooking, which I paired with a starter of bread and fine olive oil.
  2. Cleaned the fridge.
  3. Ordering in less is working out. And I didn’t even need a Beeminder goal for that.
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Scrub turkey males build large mounds of rotting leaves and dirt to keep their eggs warm. There’s one just behind our back stairs. They’re fascinating birds. The babies are adorable but elusive.

  1. Jeremy made salad for our breakfast. I love that he starts salad by cooking bacon bits.
  2. A breeze at my window.
  3. Sweet-smelling flowers in my garden.
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  1. Public infrastructure (roads, etc). We take it for granted because its so essential.
  2. The garden is so green after weeks of rainy weather.
  3. A pineapple we bought was at peak ripeness.
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  1. Grateful to myself for getting a job application in
  2. Thankful for a friend who dropped off groceries, with a chocolate cake
  3. FocusMate’s Community Co-working Fridays
  1. Found some lovely recordings of Calon Lan (Spotify link) and Ar Hyd Y Nos (Youtube) that I’d never heard before.
  2. It’s my day off, thank goodness.
  3. I did quite a bit of reading in the past couple of days.
  1. Finally checked out (h)ledger, with the aim of replacing YNAB.
  2. Got an invitation for a booster shot.
  3. More than halved my YouTube watch list (thanks Beeminder!).
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  1. While I was in the garden standing on a solid pile of bricks to trim some branches, my favourite lizard ran up to me to get food. While I was upstairs fetching mealworms, he jumped onto the bricks where I’d been standing to wait for me - just like a cat who takes over your seat when you get up.
  2. A friend who has Covid seems to be recovering.
  3. I decided that a script I wrote for myself a while back needed a new feature. Before staring to build the feature, I chose a command-line option for using it. I ran the script with that option to check that it wasn’t used for anything else… And realised that I’d already built that feature using exactly that option. :laughing:
  1. Started reading a book which is so far having that “sink in and forget the world” effect (The Councillor by E.J. Beaton).
  2. I think this is the longest I’ve ever managed to grow my nails without breaking them or succumbing to biting them. They’re actually way too long for my tastes (though nothing compared to some people), but I’m reluctant to trim them lest temptation strike. :joy:
  3. Having my salted caramel protein milkshakes for the day when everything in me rebels at the thought of eating a proper breakfast. It tides me over quite well.
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  1. Mostly healthy food choices today.
  2. The scores of volunteers and employees involved in handling the covid pandemic.
  3. Finished a book.
  1. Last night I finished everything that HAD to be done that day and stopped using electronics before 9pm! I was able to get to sleep early, which is usually something I struggle with.
  2. This morning I woke early and decided I wanted to get up straight away and I was able to actually make myself do that - also something I usually find difficult! Possibly these two points are related and there may be a lesson in that for me. :laughing:
  3. This forum thread. It was especially useful to me today because I actually, bizarrely, had not realised the potential link between those two points until I wrote about them just now!
  1. Lisa’s back at work, which means I’m back to my regular routine. Everything was getting a bit pear-shaped between the new year rush and not starting out my day on my laptop in the living room with Lisa.
  2. Past-me scheduled some Focusmate sessions. That was really wise; I barely used it last week, so these sessions have reminded me how productive I can be when I settle down to do focused work. (Though the break was good too; using it for everything led to taking it for granted a bit.)
  3. Chocolate. Oh boy, I needed this chocolate.
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  1. Calling in sick when necessary.
  2. I’m getting more into essays.
  3. Some tasty high-end chocolates.
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I have to look for that flavor

  1. Free singing class
  2. The teacher shared a wonderously beautiful playlist of vocal toning.
  3. Some Focusmateys set up a FB group for connecting with people who want to do morning & evening routines, and I’ve wanted an evening routine buddy for so long!
  1. I got my booster shot today! “Spikevax” is such a cool name - all spikey and fighty, like an angry cat.
  2. The walk to and from the pharmacy was a decent length for some exercise and went past some lovely houses, gardens, and spots with great views to the mountains.
  3. So many houses have solar panels.
  1. I think today I’ll catch back up with being 14 days ahead on both my study goals, after taking a break over Christmas and the new year. Oof.
  2. The cheap ereader we got to tide me over while my Poke2 was off for repair saved my bacon today by having charge when my Poke2 didn’t! I did have something to read on hand after all. :joy: (This is especially funny if you’ve ever seen my house and know how many books I also have.)
  3. I think I keep saying this, but my new ‘stopbyseven’ goal has been pretty transformative. I get my chores and stuff done, eveeeerything I need done according to Beeminder, all by 7pm… and then I have five hours of total freedom to do whatever before bed. It’s been helping a lot.
  1. Being able to take a sick day today for a headache and general blahness.
  2. Jeremy made me a milkshake and pasta.
  3. Naps.
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I may have to steal some variation of that stopby goal. My time to go asleep has been trending to my Beeminder deadline + 30’, which comes out to 4am…

  1. A treat just for myself.
  2. First day back at work is going fine.
  3. An ancient electric heater.
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  1. 12 female Welsh rugby players have been given contracts like the men in the sport. It’s not perfect yet (it’s not even a full 15, let alone a full matchday team), but it’s a start.
  2. Spotify playlists of music I liked in past years. No thought required to hit play and get a playlist of songs I definitely like, and sometimes stuff I’d forgotten about pops out at me. I might have said this one before, but it keeps being true.
  3. Not many chores today.