So i’ve actually put a lot of thought into this lately as one of my goals is to be more productive and that’s hard to do when I keep sleeping in. It requires some upfront costs but no subscription necessarily since it’s a do more type goal. I got the idea from someone else on this forum and then probably took it a step further since I am a self professed weasel and my willpower is at an all time low first thing in the morning. I’ve been using this method for a little over a month now and so far it’s working for me. Basically you get a withings sleep pad and set up multiple IFTTT rules based on the time you get out of bed. You assign positive points for when you hit your target or more if you wake up earlier and negative points if you miss it or more if you sleep in further past it. So I have a target of 7 points per week, if I wanted to sleep in on the weekends I would have to subtract some points or schedule breaks ahead of time. When I wake up on time one point is added automatically and if I then decide to go back to bed because I’m a lazy POS a point (or more) is subtracted after I get up the second time. This worked for awhile till I started to cheat by simply unpluging the sleep pad from the wall. After doing that a couple times I installed a weatherproof outlet protecter, the kind you can lock, and put the keys in my car. So if i’m riding the line and I want to sleep in my choices are to sleep on the floor or just get in the shower and start my day. Might seem a little extreme but considering we’re all putting money at stake to reach our goals I suppose it kinda makes sense if you’re really serious about it.