How to track an activity you want to complete 5 out of 7 days in the week?

I want to meditate at least 5 times a week. I’ll be happy with that number. How do I make this into Beeminder goal?


The natural solution to this is to create a beeminder goal which is to meditate with a desired rate of at least 5 times a week and add a data point of 1 every time you mediate. Is there a reason that doesn’t work for you?


Beeminder will automatically keep you at an average rate of 5/week if you set up a do more goal with rate of 5. Since this isn’t a partial thing, but rather meditate (1) or not (0), the graph might indicate you need .5 to stay on track, but you’d just meditate and record a 1. You could also set up number of minutes of meditation if you want to track it that way. It’d keep you at a weekly rate of X number of minutes then.


I have exactly this same goal, meditate 5 times per week. The rate is 5/week and I enter a 1 when I meditate.


Thanks to all who replied. The answer as you pointed out was easy. The goal setup wizard took care of it. It had been awhile since I used the wizard (I’ve only setup one previous BeeMinder goal). Reading the blog posts about more esoteric ways of tracking goals confused me.