Integromat (similar to IFTTT/Zapier)

Hey guys,

I posted before about Foursquare integrations (I was looking to Beemind ticking off places to visit on a Foursquare list). Couldnt find a way, but the other thing I wanted to do was Beemind completing more Foursquare tips (a.k.a. reviews) of the places I have been.

In the process of trying to figure out a way to do it I came across Integromat, which seems similar to IFTTT and Zapier in have actions and triggers. The GUI is quite nice and it seems more flexible and includes a lot more features.

For the task above Integromat checks my Foursquare tips, if there are any new ones it adds them to a Google Sheet which Zapier then checks and if there is a new line it lets Beeminder know.

Has Beeminder considered an integration with Integromat? Has anyone used it for anything else?


This is an old thread, but in case anyone’s still following it and hasn’t seen this new thread: