Pledge escalation on unarchival

I archived this goal:

Later I thought of restarting it but it requires $5 pledge now, but it didn’t derail the last time! You can see it clearly on the graph that it wasn’t due to a derailment. Is there a way to restart this kind of goal without a pledge but preserving the data?

Also I had a rogue archival for another goal and it required pledge escalation too but this one is critical enough so that I just emailed support. Is support the only way to resolve this kind of issue?


Sounds like a bug! Thanks so much for reporting it!

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FWIW this was also reported back in January by @peppertoni :


A similar thing just happened for me – I unarchived two goals that were at $5 pledges when I archived them originally. Chose to unarchive them and keep the same $5 pledge, but when they restarted, it looks like they both did a “RESTARTED ON” and immediately after that a “RECOMMITTED ON”.

Not a big deal for me because I don’t think that I will derail on them between now and next week (I set them both to decrease back to the $5).